If you’ve opened any South Australian newspapers recently you’ve probably seen adverts from solar power installers screaming about the “IMMINENT REDUCTION IN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIA FEED IN TARIFF!!!”. Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m not one to bombard you with pushy sales spiel, or use impending rebate cuts to pressure anyone into […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
What does the Rudd return mean for solar power?
The big news in Australian politics during the week was of course the return of the Queensland kid, aka The Ruddster, The Nerdy One etc. The Machiavellian machinations of the Australian Labor Party which allowed the regurgitation of Kevin Rudd has done wonders to kick start a moribund election campaign, but what effect will this […]
[Continue reading…]Can Solar Trade Wars Save The West’s Solar Manufacturing Industry?
While the ongoing dispute (AKA solar trade war) between Europe and China continues apace, an article caught your correspondent’s eye this week (and was posted in our popular Facebook Page if you’d like to comment). Perhaps the most interesting part of the article is what it hints at: the inevitable change in focus of […]
[Continue reading…]Is community solar a way forward for the Australian solar industry?
While our recent articles on big Aussie banks and respected mining services companies picking up the solar baton have been a huge encouragement for solar fans, news has been not as good lately in what passes for government (and alternative government) policy. Should we therefore be thinking of the burgeoning grass roots community solar movement as another way forward […]
[Continue reading…]Is Commercial Solar Worth It? Ask This Mining Company…
Hot on the heels of our posts last week about the amazing returns commercial solar can bestow upon savvy businesses and Aussie bankers putting their hands in their pockets to support solar energy projects came the news that WA mining equipment company Diab Engineering has backed solar energy by installing a rooftop solar system […]
[Continue reading…]The Shocking Truth About Commercial Solar
OK, I admit it – that was a headline designed to get your attention if you own or operate a small or medium sized business (I’m also a sucker for bad puns). But it’s just that I feel the need to shout from the rooftops about the insane returns that SMEs can get from commercial […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Farms Are A Good Investment – And That’s Official!
It can get a bit tiring sitting here at SQHQ listening to the solar narks peddling the age old line that “solar is completely uneconomic and will destroy our precious mining economy”. Luckily a solar milestone flashed by our radar last week which drives yet another nail into the argument put forward by those […]
[Continue reading…]The Economics Of Solar Power in Australia [infographic]
I put this together to try and get across just how economically compelling solar power is if you look at the cost of electricity over 20 years instead of simply focussing on the up front cost. If you can get good financing, solar power is an economic no-brainer for most households.
[Continue reading…]Solar Inverter Sizing: Don’t violate the new CEC guidelines!
It is common practice, when designing a solar system, to ‘undersize’ the solar inverter, by connecting more panels than the inverter appears to be rated for. This can freak out some solar customers when they see, for example 3.25kW of panels proposed to be connected to a 3kW inverter in their solar quote. Confused? Let […]
[Continue reading…]Royal nod of approval as solar energy shines at Chelsea Flower Show
As regular readers would know, it is this column’s opinion that nothing beats a win over the Brits in an international comp. Now things haven’t gone so well in recent years with proud Aussies being forced to surrender the Ashes and we don’t want to talk about the Olympics!
[Continue reading…]
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