Solar Quotes Blog

Taking the politics out of solar power policy

At the end of a depressing week for renewables, talk over the SQHQ water cooler has been centred along the lines of: is it time to keep pollies out of solar power policy? First we had the shrill and frankly rather desperate tactic of Kevin “The Queensland Kid” Rudd bucketing on the carbon tax introduced […]

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Can Solar and Mining be Best Of Frenemies?

Whenever we hear of the future of the battle for the future of Australian energy, the picture we get in our press and from Canberra and the state capitals is one of conflict. One of subsidies for renewables such as solar power systems — whether utility scale solar or domestic PV — versus continued monetary […]

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Community solar lights up the Blue Mountains

Shameless plug to start this week’s column readers. August has seen community solar take off in a big way in my region of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. This may be due to a combination of the upcoming election and a very strong grassroots realisation of the need for solar energy at a community […]

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Solar power users left fuming at betrayal in the West

WA premier ripping up contract

It was a grim atmosphere here at the SQHQ bunker earlier this week as Finn popped his head around the corner to deliver the news of the solar power betrayal in the West. He was talking of course of Premier Colin “The Backstabber” Barnett and his chair sniffing mate “Two-up” Troy Buswell to slash the […]

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Solar Farms: Re-election chance sees government invest in ‘very, very large’ projects

solar farming

Never underestimate the power of an election to get our pollies moving on environmental issues folks. Thanks to opinion polls showing the Ruddslide bringing both major parties neck-and-neck in the latest “Most Important Election Since the War” even solar farm policy is on the move. Or so it seems.

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Solar policy being forced by people power?

people cheering for solar

As solar policy gets pushed around from pillar to post in Canberra and the state capitals, it’s good to know the real decision makers — the Australian people — support the concept in a big way. This week saw the release of a CSIRO study — funded by the Australian Solar Institute for the Australian […]

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Does Mildura CPV solar farm offer a glimpse of the future?

cpv dishes

  Always great to bring our readers news of an Aussie breakthrough. However this week’s opening of Silex Systems’ massive CPV solar farm in Mildura, Victoria may prove to be more than just a cheery news item. Indeed it may offer a look at solar power’s future in the country. CPV is of course Concentrating […]

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Is solar advocacy about to enter a brand new phase?

i love solar t-shirt

  This week we take a detour from our usual rants to look at an interesting emerging overseas trend. The changing face of solar advocacy. Australia tends to follow most trends that start in the United States — some would say slavishly — so this recent article in the superb Grist magazine made me think […]

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Australia’s capital leads country in commercial solar

Canberra sign

The feverish activity in Canberra continues. Kevin Rudd (aka The Milky Bar Kid) is PM this week apparently. But we thought we’d pop down the road to the seat of the far more interesting ACT territory government for this week’s solar news. For it is here that Australian commercial solar history is being made. (See […]

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Think solar is expensive? Be glad you’re not American!

solar power info graphic

Our American friends may get dirt cheap Nike runners, Levis jeans and iTunes downloads compared to us Aussies, but at least we can get some comfort from the fact that our solar systems are a helluva lot cheaper than theirs! This infographic from those nice people at US site does a great job of spruiking the […]

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