There are a hell of a lot of companies offering cheap solar panels right now, and as with all free markets, that is driving down the prices and the margins of solar power installers and suppliers. The question I get asked the most is this: “How do I tell if this deal from XYZ solar […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Origin Energy’s propaganda war against renewables
Australian energy utility Origin Energy is under the SQHQ microscope this week readers. More specifically their claim that the carbon tax and subsidies for green schemes are the chief cause of the rise in the average electricity bill. Your correspondent received his bill from Origin on Thursday. While never a pleasant experience this was made […]
[Continue reading…]How to unlock a great solar payback (even with crappy rebates).
Occasionally I venture out of my straw-bale, solar passive eco-cave and meet real people, in person instead of over the interwebs. When they inevitably ask me the standard icebreaker “what do you do?” and hear that I’m in “solar power”, the usual response is: “Oh – that must be a tough industry, now that the […]
[Continue reading…]Bushfires in Australia: who’s going to talk about the elephant in the room?
A worrying time for your correspondent this week readers as bushfires, which have claimed well over a hundred properties continue to rage in my region of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. While my town is safe for now, bushfires rage further up the Mountains and down in the Lower Mountains where over the bulk of property […]
[Continue reading…]Solar storage breakthrough spoils nark’s party
When it comes to policy backflips on alternative energy sources it’s been a nark’s world here in Australia. It would be incorrect to generalise, but I’m going to anyway; there is now a preponderance of knuckle-dragging, climate deniers in office in state and federal governments. Many of whom are looking to increase subsidies to their […]
[Continue reading…]The Truth About Your Roof And Solar Power: 3 Questions You Must Ask.
Imagine you walk in a shoe store and the shop assistant immediately starts measuring your head with a tape measure. You’d think she was mad, wouldn’t you? And you’d be right, of course. Sometimes the basics are just self-evident. If you need shoes, all the information you need is right there at the bottom of your […]
[Continue reading…]Where are the visionary leaders that can make Australia (and the world) 90% renewable?
On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending an American to the moon and back before the end of the decade. No one had any idea if it was even possible. The technology needed had yet to be invented. Now that’s what I call visionary leadership. Next month […]
[Continue reading…]Footy finals and photovoltaics: when too much sun and sports is barely enough
Laid low for the past week with a virus readers. Unkind friends have called it footy finals fever which seems to strike your sports-mad correspondent at this time every year. But with the excitement of the AFL final series (just completed) and last weekend’s Rugby League finals, with a touch of netball, Rugby Union and […]
[Continue reading…]Will the Coalition’s $500 Solar Rebate do more harm than good?
Nothing more we like at SQHQ that a good old fashioned brouhaha. After all a bit of air clearing is needed after the uncertainty (and dare I say disappointment) of the way solar policy was gleefully trashed following the election. This of course included the change in government policy on solar rebates, war declared on […]
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Currently Raging Debates: