Nothing more we like at SQHQ that a good old fashioned brouhaha. After all a bit of air clearing is needed after the uncertainty (and dare I say disappointment) of the way solar policy was gleefully trashed following the election. This of course included the change in government policy on solar rebates, war declared on […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Solar lighting: Mandarin 2 adds style to practicality
The Victorian Premier’s Design Awards are currently being judged. Not your usual port of call for this correspondent I hear you say but bear with me readers! That’s because one of the many excellent designs under consideration is the Mandarin 2 solar-charged light which is flying the flag for solar lighting under the category “product […]
[Continue reading…]Are “Munchen Solar Panels” Actually German? And Are They Any Good?
Recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails along the lines of: Hey Finn, Have you ever heard of Munchen Solar Panels? Are they any good? I really want “German Engineered” Panels and these look better than any of that Chinese engineered rubbish! Well, the short answer is this: “Munchen Solar? Never heard of them. […]
[Continue reading…]Any positives for solar power under the new Coalition government?
Here at SQHQ — as with all of those supporting alternative energy — we’re surveying the damage after the Coalition’s expected yet stunning landslide win on Saturday night. Both the Liberals and Nationals took a slash and burn approach to solar power in Australia and the whole renewable energy sector during the campaign. This approach […]
[Continue reading…]Revealed: The Top (and Bottom) Rated Solar Companies across Australia
Since I started this humble website back in 2009 (when solar panels cost $1000 each!), over 11,000 solar powered Aussies have kindly left reviews of their solar installation experience online for all to see. At the time of writing has 11,341 reviews of 875 different solar companies online. So I thought it was about time we […]
[Continue reading…]Taking the politics out of solar power policy
At the end of a depressing week for renewables, talk over the SQHQ water cooler has been centred along the lines of: is it time to keep pollies out of solar power policy? First we had the shrill and frankly rather desperate tactic of Kevin “The Queensland Kid” Rudd bucketing on the carbon tax introduced […]
[Continue reading…]Can Solar and Mining be Best Of Frenemies?
Whenever we hear of the future of the battle for the future of Australian energy, the picture we get in our press and from Canberra and the state capitals is one of conflict. One of subsidies for renewables such as solar power systems — whether utility scale solar or domestic PV — versus continued monetary […]
[Continue reading…]Community solar lights up the Blue Mountains
Shameless plug to start this week’s column readers. August has seen community solar take off in a big way in my region of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. This may be due to a combination of the upcoming election and a very strong grassroots realisation of the need for solar energy at a community […]
[Continue reading…]Solar power users left fuming at betrayal in the West
It was a grim atmosphere here at the SQHQ bunker earlier this week as Finn popped his head around the corner to deliver the news of the solar power betrayal in the West. He was talking of course of Premier Colin “The Backstabber” Barnett and his chair sniffing mate “Two-up” Troy Buswell to slash the […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Farms: Re-election chance sees government invest in ‘very, very large’ projects
Never underestimate the power of an election to get our pollies moving on environmental issues folks. Thanks to opinion polls showing the Ruddslide bringing both major parties neck-and-neck in the latest “Most Important Election Since the War” even solar farm policy is on the move. Or so it seems.
[Continue reading…]
Currently Raging Debates: