Solar Quotes Blog

The Solar Council Aren’t Lying. Your Government Is.

The government has painted a big bullseye on solar power. They’ve got it in their sights. They want the renewable energy target (RET) repealed and they’ll do just about anything to make that happen. Well, anything but come right out and say, “We’re against renewable energy because because we want to protect the fat wallets of […]

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Solar breakthroughs by the dozen but what of the future?

idea rocket

This week two news items have proved that innovation in the solar energy sector is not only alive and humming but well on the way to shaping our energy future. The first is based on nothing new. Indeed it was originally proposed in a 1941 story by science fiction author Isaac Asimov. With climate change […]

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Is Abbott about to axe the Solar Rebate (and push solar prices through the roof) ?

abbott axing RET

Well, I woke up this morning to a beautiful spring day. Only to see an inbox full of emails telling me that, according to the Australian Financial Review, Tony Abbott has already decided to scrap the Renewable Energy Target (RET) no matter what his review panel advises. Bummer! Let’s see what the rest of the papers […]

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Big Energy Has a Big Problem…But They Want YOU to Fix It

Big energy has a big “problem”.  What’s the problem? Competition. Competition from whom?  From Australian citizens like you who’ve told the big power companies, “We’ll  generate our own power, using solar technology. Thank you very much.  Shut the door on your way out.” Why is this “big a problem”? Well, it’s simple economics that whenever a […]

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How to find the most efficient solar water heater

Hot water STC climate zones

When you are looking to buy a solar hot water system for for home, one of the most important things to check (apart from the price) is the efficiency of your Solar Hot Water System. The more efficient your system is, the better it will be at converting the sun’s heat to piping hot water, […]

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Over 20,000 solar workers expected by 2018 despite Abbott’s efforts

panels going on straw house

Jobs in the Australian solar industry is a topic that doesn’t excite the pro-fossil fuel press and shriekback radio all that much. Instead the headlines and radio waves over renewables are dominated by imagined consequences of the carbon tax and the repetition of outright lies about the consequences of the Renewable Energy Target (RET). Witness […]

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Solar Hot Water vs Solar Panels. Which should you buy?

a solahart hot water heater

Poor old Solar Hot Water. The concept of heating water directly from the Aussie sun with a solar hot water system like this… …really seems to have gone from hero to zero over the past 3 years.

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Public support for Australia as a renewable energy superpower

solar panels in front of cooling towers

It’s been mentioned more than a few times that Australia could be the next renewable energy superpower. With our wide open spaces, almost unlimited sun and centres of research excellence we could show the world the way in solar power and other forms of renewable energy.

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Fossil fuel lobby on thin ice in RET argument

Thin ice sign and a power station

As the renewable energy target review commission prepares to bring down its findings, a battle royale rages over how to interpret the economic modelling. Stacked with climate change deniers and fossil fuel-connected industry types, the review committee has been well and truly nobbled. It’s decision is pretty much sealed. For as Basic Governance 101 tells […]

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Are They Really Tier 1 Solar Panels? Six Questions You Must Ask.

tier 1 solar panel

For many years now I’ve been banging on about “Tier 1 Solar Panels”. My recommendation has always been that you should spend a few hundred dollars more for Tier 1 panels, so that you can massively reduce the risk of having crappy solar panels installed on your roof.

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