Today I’d like to welcome a new contributor to the SolarQuotes blog – Ronald Brakels. Ronald is technically minded and has a lot of passion for the Australian renewable energy industry, and is not afraid to put his opinion forth. I’m not always going agree with every opinion Ronald holds – but I always enjoy how he articulates […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Major CSIRO solar breakthrough underlines ARENA’s worth
Further evidence emerged this week from the CSIRO of the value of the embattled Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to the nation. ARENA, you may well recall, is at the centre of the current government’s ideological campaign against renewable energy with its very existence now in doubt through savage proposed budget cuts. The breakthrough was the successful […]
[Continue reading…]Liberal moderates in NSW stand up over RET review
Will clean energy be the blade that slices apart the ruling Coalition party? Will the fossil-fuel-stacked renewable energy target review panel fall on its dark arts? This week saw the potential for a factional clash of almighty proportions with the NSW government announcing their full support for the renewable energy target (RET) of 20 percent […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Power For Your Home: The Absolute Basics
Back to absolute basics today on the SolarQuotes blog! Here’s an infographic I got drawn up that explains the fundamental concepts you need to understand before buying solar for your home. Yes, yes – I know for many of you dear readers this is completely obvious! But trust me, many folks out there starting on their […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Isolator Switch Recall. What you need to know.
We’ve recently had a number of phone calls from people who have heard about the national solar isolator switch recall recently announced by the ACCC, and are worried about their solar systems. Here’s what you need to know about the Solar Isolator Switch Recall:
[Continue reading…]Energy costs are going down, but you wouldn’t know it if you’re still on the traditional grid.
How much of that quarterly cheque you cut to your local electricity supplier is actually paying for the energy you use? According to a new scathing news story from ABC and confirmed with data from the Federal Treasury, under half. Surprisingly, 51% of your monthly payment is, in fact, going to fund the unnecessary rebuilding of a […]
[Continue reading…]ARENA’s existence hangs by a thread
Well we knew it was going to be a horror budget didn’t we readers? At least you couldn’t accuse the Abbott administration of not warning us. For weeks we had the drumbeat of fear. The chant that the so-called “age of entitlements” was at an end (except for certain vested interests it seems). The latest […]
[Continue reading…]What? Oz thrashed by Poms on solar PV installation?
We Aussies hate to be trumped by another nation in any field of endeavour. Whether on the sporting field, in battle or in the latest scientific innovation, we like to think we always “punch above our weight”. Imagine our horror then, when we learned of being completely spanked by the land of grey skies and […]
[Continue reading…]Who gets the blame for energy poverty in Australia?
Energy poverty in Australia is defined as when more than 10 percent of your household disposable income is spent on energy. It’s a newish problem in our country but one, due to rapidly escalating electricity prices, that we will unfortunately hear a great deal more about in coming years. With the skyrocketing electricity prices that […]
[Continue reading…]How to install solar panels on a metal roof – without leaks.
This post comes courtesy of Trevor Berrill. Trevor is Principal of  Solaris Sustainable Homes and is a 30 year veteran of  both renewable energy  and energy efficiency. It is a honour to have him contribute to this humble blog. Here Trevor describes how a good solar installer should install solar panels to a metal roof and how bad installers, in a hurry […]
[Continue reading…]
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