Solar Quotes Blog

Genius Or Bonkers? US solar company glueing solar to roofs to reduce installation costs.

lumeta solar panels

Innovation in solar never ceases to amaze me. But I can’t decide if this particular innovation is genius or totally nuts. US solar panel manufacturer Lumeta Solar have announced a new 175W solar panel design that is super thin, with no frame, a junction box on top instead of underneath, and get this: double sided sticky tape […]

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Can the world produce enough raw materials to feed the solar panel boom?

solar panel factory

It’s now almost a given that solar energy is the answer for the world’s energy problems. As experts have noted, it is entirely conceivable (perhaps inevitable) that solar will be the world’s first choice for energy by mid-century. With regular improvements in PV technology driving cost and efficiency breakthroughs, the predictions of the amount of […]

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Coal vs Solar – Which is more space efficient?

solar and a coal fired power station

This is a guest post by Greg Bell – which was conceived in the comments section of another post on this blog. Take it away Greg: ——- Some things we can say we know for sure about photovoltaics – the fuel is free, it’s quiet, and there are no moving parts. But other benefits are more […]

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Australian leaders lurch further out of step on renewables

abbott and renewables

A very significant week in Australian renewable energy politics with the historic agreement between China and the United States on reducing emissions at the recent APEC summit in Beijing. Significant for Australia because the ideological campaign against renewables (let’s call it for what it is) used to be heavily based around the fact that we […]

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Solar will be the world’s most popular power source by 2050

big red hand pointing down

When someone of the stature of Martin Green says the cost of solar PV technology will halve again by the next decade, you sit up and take notice. Even more so when he says solar will be the world’s most popular energy source by 2050. For the University of New South Wales’ Prof. Martin Green […]

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Are micro inverters & battery backup compatible?

3 microinverters and 2 batteries

Can you use a micro inverter off grid? Or even for grid connect with batteries? With the growth in the use of micro inverters, I’m starting to get more and more emails asking: can micro inverters be used in off grid (or hybrid) solar power systems?

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Is coal now more expensive than solar?

pile of coal

Not-so-strange bedfellows Greg “Smiley” Hunt and Big Clive emerged hand in hand after negotiating the “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” (sorry “Direct Action”) legislation earlier this week. Meanwhile a less publicised news article revealed the dirty truth behind the future, or otherwise, of fossil fuel exports to one of our major markets. That truth is […]

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Are millions of solar roofs making solar farms pointless?

solar power station

Utility scale solar, or solar farms, are fields of PV panels which generate electricity that is fed directly into the grid.  Currently we don’t have much of this in Australia.  Over 99% of our solar capacity is point of use which is mostly on rooftops and the juice it does produce is first used to power the […]

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Forget “real 20 percent”, what are the real benefits of going solar?

  The dust continues to swirl on one of the most divisive energy issues in recent years — the government’s attempted slashing of the RET to the so-called “real 20 percent”. We’ll discuss this but really, is this the debate we should be having in this day and age? We’re going to focus on the […]

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LDK Solar Bankruptcy. Who will be next?

LDK solar logo

Another large solar panel manufacturer appears to be in serious financial trouble. Bloomberg is reporting that LDK Solar, the world’s largest producer of wafers by capacity, has put it’s US operations into bankruptcy with over a billion dollars of debt.

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