Search Results for: western australia

Want $0 Electricity Bills? On-Grid Solar Beats Batteries.

zero dollar bills?

Want Free Future Electricity Without Blowing The Bank?  Get On-Grid Solar Without Batteries.

When it comes to buying rooftop solar and batteries, people have a wide range of motivations.  Some want to save money, most are environmentally concerned, there are tech-heads interested in the technology, while others just want to be trendy.  Then there are confused people who ordered a battery thinking they were buying artillery or possibly a chicken.

But one motivation that pervades our society is love.  Love for free stuff.  In this case, free electricity.  Most people I know would love to have $0 electricity bills or better yet, be paid for providing clean solar electricity to the grid.

If $0 bills are what you want, it’s okay to admit it.  You’re among friends here. [Read more…]

Huge Floating Solar Farm For Indonesia

Floating solar power in Indonesia

Image: MrRick

Our neighbours to the north-west are getting into floating solar in a big way. A 200MW solar farm is a major project by any benchmark – put that on water and it’s quite extraordinary. [Read more…]

Construction Starts On Lismore’s Floating Solar Farm

Lismore City Council floating solar farm

A 99kW floating solar array at the East Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant in New South Wales will provide 12% of the facility’s energy requirements. [Read more…]

Solar Energy Helping To Power Water Delivery In Exmouth

Western Australia’s Water Corporation is using solar power to provide energy for pumping bore water to the town of Exmouth.

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Proposal To Penalise Coal Seam Gas Holdout States Gains Steam

CSG - Coal Seam Gas

CSG gasfield in Queensland | Image: Lock The Gate Alliance

States banning unconventional gas and fracking activities could miss out on some GST revenue if a proposal by the Commonwealth Grants Commission is implemented.

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Solar Savings Bonanza From August Small Scale PV Installations

Electricity bill savings from solar panels

Solar panel image: B137,CC BY-SA 4.0

The latest Renewable Energy Index from Green Markets indicates rooftop solar panels (small scale systems) installed across Australia last month will deliver $180 million in electricity bill savings over 10 years.

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Why It Makes Sense To Fill Your Roof With Solar

roof full of solar

Q. How much solar should you install on your roof?

A. As much as you reasonably can.

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WA Hikes Electricity Bills 20% For Poorest, 1% For Billionaires


rich vs poor

Supply charge rises in WA will hurt the poorest the most.

On the first of July electricity prices increased in Western Australia.  This was not a surprise as the state government had announced prices would be increasing over the next three years.  The surprise was they increased them in the worst possible way. [Read more…]

WA’s Synergy Feeling Solar Power’s Pinch

Solar energy and Synergy

Image: seagul

While Synergy’s recently released 2017 Annual Report indicates solar power may be eating some of its lunch, the company is also making progress in including more PV in its diet.

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Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre Going Solar

Western Australia’s Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC) is about to get greener and cheaper to run after City of Mandurah councillors voted on Tuesday to install solar panels on the building.

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