Search Results for: western australia

Kalbarri Microgrid Project Powers Ahead

Kalbarri renewable energy microgrid project

The awarding of a $6.8 million contract for a 100 per cent renewable energy-powered microgrid project for Kalbarri in Western Australia was announced yesterday. [Read more…]

More Solar Power For Club Mulwala

Club Mulwala - solar power

A new solar energy project at Club Mulwala in the Riverina region of New South Wales will mean lower electricity bills for the club and cooler customers. [Read more…]

CEFC Finance To Support New South Wales’ Largest Solar Farm

Coleambally Solar Farm

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) announced yesterday it had committed $30 million in debt finance to the Coleambally Solar Farm project. [Read more…]

Darling Downs Solar Farm Progress

Darling Downs Solar Farm

Image: RCR Tomlinson (EPC contractor for Darlings Downs Solar Farm)

Work has commenced on the transmission line that will connect APA’s Darling Downs Solar Farm in Queensland to the state’s electricity network. [Read more…]

Alinta To Roll Out More Renewables, But Loy Yang B To Burn On – For Decades

Loy Yang B and A coal fired power stations

Loy Yang B (left), Loy Yang A (right) | Image : Marcus Wong (Wongm), CC BY-SA 3.0

Alinta Energy says acquisition of the brown-coal fired Loy Yang B power station in Victoria will enable it to significantly increase the company’s investment in renewable energy assets. [Read more…]

Want Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Cool Cash?  Buy An Energy Efficient Fridge


Ronald’s fridge yesterday.

Disaster has struck the Brakels household! And I’m not talking about a minor disaster like a son or daughter breaking a leg.

[Read more…]

Development Approval For WA Solar + Wind + Battery Project

Solar + Wind + Battery Facility for Yallabatharra

Image via Northampton Shire Council

Advanced Energy Resources’ proposed Yallabatharra solar and wind project, which will include battery storage, has received development approval from Western Australia’s Northampton Shire Council. [Read more…]

Rooftop Solar And Exclusion Zones: Where Solar Panels Dare Not Go

solar panel exclusion zones

How close to the edge of the roof should your solar panels go?

In the past I’ve written about solar panel clamping zones which determine where, on a solar panel’s edge, you can place the clamps that attach the modules to their mounting rails.  What I didn’t do was go into just where on a roof solar panels can and can’t be installed. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Oakey 2 Solar Farm Reaches Financial Close

Oakey Solar Farm - Queensland, Australia

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has committed $55 million in debt finance to the 55MW Oakey 2 solar farm project in south-east Queensland, construction of which will start soon. [Read more…]

Should you scrap your 1.5kW solar and replace it with a bigger system?

solar rag and bone man

Should you bite the bullet and scrap your 1.5kW solar system so you can fit a bigger system on your roof?

Five to eight years ago, just as the Australian solar industry was getting underway, many people locked in high feed in tariffs for their new, cutting-edge solar power systems.  For example, many people in Victoria with systems installed before 2012 are now getting 71.3 cents per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity exported into the grid.  And they will continue to receive this for almost 7 more years. [Read more…]

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