Search Results for: queensland

emPOWER Homes – Solar For Social Housing In Queensland

Empower Homes Solar Scheme

Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) has jointly launched a proposal that would see solar panels installed and energy efficiency upgrades performed on social housing across the state. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Logan City Council Hits 1MW Solar Capacity

Logan City Council - Solar Energy

A new solar panel installation on the rooftop of an aquatic centre has taken Logan City Council’s total solar panel capacity to more than 1,000kW. More is on the way. [Read more…]

Queenslanders Want More Renewables, Not Coal Power

Coal vs. renewables in Queensland

A poll of more than 1,000 Queensland residents in late March indicates a strong preference for more renewables over new coal-fired power. [Read more…]

Queensland’s First Community-Scale Battery Project Nears Prime Time

Tesla Powerpack battery project - Queensland

The first community-scale battery storage facility in Queensland – featuring Tesla Powerpack batteries – will soon be operational according to the Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

University Of Queensland Tesla Powerpack System Switched On

Tesla Powerpack - University of Queensland

UQ has announced its Tesla Powerpack battery system is now operational and will soon be put to work to generate revenue for the University. [Read more…]

Queensland Solar Schools Rollout Progress

Queensland solar schools - ACES

212 state schools in Queensland are having solar panels installed under the first phase of the Palaszczuk Government’s Advancing Clean Energy Schools Program (ACES). [Read more…]

Queensland Spruiks State Solar Success Statistics

Queensland solar energy statistics

The QLD Government is celebrating the success of solar energy in the state – and it’s also been revealed a Queensland coal-fired power station is expected to close early. [Read more…]

Shortlist For Queensland’s Renewables 400 Reverse Auction Announced

CleanCo - renewable energy auction

It’s been around two years in the making so far, but the Queensland Government’s Renewables 400 reverse auction is now another step closer. [Read more…]

More Solar Power For Queensland’s Logan City Council

Logan City Council - solar energy

Logan City Council has announced it will be installing solar panels on another five of its buildings during the 2019/20 financial year. [Read more…]

Silly Queensland Solar Rule Determined Invalid

The Supreme Court of Queensland yesterday ruled a recently introduced regulation resulting in extra costs in the construction of large-scale solar energy facilities in the state is invalid. [Read more…]

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