Search Results for: angus taylor

Big Bucks For Big Batteries In Australia

Grid scale battery funding - ARENA

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced a $100 million competitive funding round for grid scale batteries. [Read more…]

Shonky Solar Begone? New Australian Regulations Become Law

Rooftop solar regulations in Australia

New laws governing rooftop solar will help level the playing field and provide Australians buying solar power systems better protections. [Read more…]

Morrison Government Gas Plan For Australia “A Disaster”

Morrison Government gas plan

While COP26 is still clearly visible in its rear view mirror, the Morrison Government has already “set fire” to the agreement it made at the conference says the Climate Council. [Read more…]

Chevron Australia Buying Offsets For CCS Fail

carbon capture and storage fail

Chevron Australia’s Gorgon carbon capture and storage (CCS) project wasn’t – and probably still isn’t – living up to expectations. [Read more…]

Big Trouble For Bad Installers As Clean Energy Regulator Shows Its Teeth

Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector in Australia

Last week the Clean Energy Regulator held an online information session titled, “Update on the Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector.”  It outlined major changes aimed at kicking crap solar installers out of the industry. [Read more…]

Shakeup For The Australian Rooftop Solar Power Industry

Australian solar reforms

There are some big changes ahead for Australia’s rooftop solar power sector – 13 recommendations from the Clean Energy Regulator to help weed out unscrupulous operators. [Read more…]

Pitt Digs In (Again) On Coal Mining ..And Burning

Minister for Resources Keith Pitt - Australian Coal

For the second time this week, Minister for Resources and Water Keith Pitt has issued a media release defending Australia’s coal industry and use. [Read more…]

Millions Given To Carbon Capture, Use And Storage Projects

Carbon capture, use and storage funding

On Tuesday, the Morrison Government announced companies getting a share from its $50 million Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) Development Fund. [Read more…]

The R In ARENA Is For Renewable

ARENA regulations change

Labor says it will attempt to thwart the Morrison Government’s action to divert the Australian Renewable Energy Agency from focusing on renewables. [Read more…]

Rooftop Solar Continues Assault On Wholesale Electricity Prices

Solar energy and wholesale electricity prices

The Australian Energy Regulator again confirms the role rooftop solar power system owners are playing in in slashing wholesale electricity prices. [Read more…]

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