Solar Quotes Blog

Victorian Community Power Hub Groups Announced

Community Power Hubs - Victoria

Victoria’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change has announced host organisations for pilot community power hubs, plus renewable energy and energy efficiency funding for resource-strapped regional councils.

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Australian Businesses Losing Out By Not Pursuing Renewables

The Business Of Renewables

While 80% of Australians believe big businesses should use renewable energy, less than half are – and it’s costing those companies holding back dearly.

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Solar To Help Cut Queensland Police Service Electricity Costs

Solar powered police stations in Queensland

Solar panels to be rolled out on the rooftops of 40 police stations in Queensland will put a dent in QPS’s $13.5 million (and rising) annual electricity spend.

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Solar Panel Clamping Zones: Are Your Panels Mounted Correctly?

panels clamped on roofs

There is one main way solar panels are attached to roofs in Australia and I’m hoping you won’t be surprised to learn it’s not glue.  If you’ve got panels, they are almost certainly fastened to your roof with clamps and held tight in the loving embrace of metal brackets.

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Tesla’s Elon Musk’s Bold Battery Estimate

Elon Musk on battery storage

In an entirely solar powered USA, what would be the land area required for battery storage to ensure 24/7 electricity supply? Tesla’s Elon Musk says he has the answer.

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Total Eclipse Challenge For Solar Power In The USA

Total Solar Eclipse - USA

A total solar eclipse that will darken a broad corridor of the US next month has raised concerns about the impact of sudden ramping down, then up, of solar generated electricity.

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Warrnambool City Council Installing Solar Powered Lights

Solar powered LED lights in Warrnambool

More than 60 off-grid solar lights that will enhance community linkages and improve safety are being installed in five parks in the regional Victorian city of Warrnambool.

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COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcomes : Reactions

COAG - Clean Energy Target

As expected, Friday’s COAG Energy Council meeting saw all but one of the Finkel Review recommendations approved – the Clean Energy Target (CET).

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Coal Kills. That’s For Certain

Coal fired power generation and pollution

Liberal MP Craig Kelly’s concerns about people dying as a result of high energy prices raises another issue he didn’t mention – the incredibly high death toll from coal.

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Liberal MP Links Winter Deaths In Australia To Renewable Energy

Craig Kelly - Renewable Energy

Liberal MP Craig Kelly cranked up the anti-renewables rhetoric to 11 this morning on ABC’s AM, linking energy price increases to subsidies for renewables that he states will cause deaths this winter.

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