Search Results for: victoria

Showing Your Solar Power System Some Love With Servicing

Solar power system inspection and servicing

Energy Safe Victoria recently launched a campaign encouraging solar owners to ensure their systems are regularly serviced. In essence, it’s an important message the millions of system owners across Australia should heed. [Read more…]

Solar Power Shines In Adelaide’s CBD

Shiels' solar panel installation - Adelaide CBD

This pretty impressive solar panel installation recently popped up in the heart of Adelaide, on the rooftop of jewellery company Shiels’ headquarters. [Read more…]

Coal Power Plants Producing Less Electricity, Pumping More Pollution

Coal power plant pollution in Australia

New analysis of National Pollutant Inventory data indicates while some Australian coal power stations are generating less electricity, a number saw levels of toxic pollutants increase. [Read more…]

Bargara’s Community-Scale Tesla Battery System Nears Prime Time

Tesla Megapack - Bargara, Queensland

It won’t be long before a Tesla Megapack battery installation at Bargara near Bundaberg in Queensland starts soaking up locally-generated surplus solar power. [Read more…]

10% of New Cars Sold Today Are Electric. In Australia It’s 2%

Electric car sales in Australia

There are so few EVs on Australian roads, I had to badly Photoshop one onto this picture.

As I write this, approximately 1 in 10 new cars sold worldwide are electric.  But not in Australia. [Read more…]

Yet Another Yallourn Power Station Incident

Yallourn Power Station

There’s been a fire at Victoria’s Yallourn Power Station, but thankfully renewables (and the brilliant efforts of firies of course) helped save the day. [Read more…]

The SolarEdge Home Battery — An Okay Battery For An Okay World

SolarEdge Home Battery review

The SolarEdge Home Battery: 9.7 kWh, DC Coupled, Optional Backup

At 4 o’clock last Thursday, SolarEdge launched their home battery with an online event. 

The next day, they held another launch for people who couldn’t make it to the first one.  I attended both and paid 55% attention each time, so I want you to know I gave this article 110%. [Read more…]

Bowen’s Battery Bonanza Bandwagon Rolls On

Chris Bowen and community batteries

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen is continuing his community battery pledging spree. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: March 2022 Update

Australian solar prices - March 2022

Discover how much Australians were paying for solar power systems during February in the latest SQ Australian Solar Price Report. [Read more…]

Going Nuts With Solar Power And Battery Storage

Solar to power Australian almond production

A major food and agri-business looks set to get a huge solar and battery storage system to help power its Australian almond production. [Read more…]

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