Solar and storage solutions developer Redback Technologies, based at University of Queensland’s Long Pocket campus, plans to boost its workforce significantly over the next 6 months.
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Solar + Battery Storage For The Home Depot
The world’s largest home improvements retailer is installing solar panels on 50 more of its stores, along with Tesla Powerpack battery storage at some outlets.
[Continue reading…]Australian Solar System Interest Index (auSSII) August 2017
We’re very pleased to publish the first in what will be a monthly report on the current state of solar power interest in Australia – the SolarQuotes auSSII report.
[Continue reading…]More Progress On Queensland’s Hayman And Daydream Solar Farms

Interconnection agreements have been finalised for Edify Energy’s Daydream and Hayman Solar Farms, which will be connected to Powerlink’s 275kV network near Collinsville in Queensland.
[Continue reading…]The Solar Spectrum And Why “UV Solar Panels” Are A Con Job

The sun is a very large, naturally occurring, fusion reactor in the sky. It constantly releases a vast amount of energy. Even by the standards of sky fusion reactors it’s pretty powerful and outshines at least 90% of the stars out there.
[Continue reading…]CEC Challenges Home Battery Storage Standards Overkill
Australia’s Clean Energy Council has lodged a submission with Standards Australia in an effort to change draft home battery standards it views as overkill and that will threaten residential energy storage uptake.
[Continue reading…]Large-Scale Solar Power On The Horizon In Tasmania?
Large-scale solar may find a (limited) place in Tasmania after a pledge by the Hodgman Government to make the state “renewable energy self sufficient” if re-elected in 2018.
[Continue reading…]Draft Solar Action Plan For London Released
Meeting the Mayor of London’s ambitious zero carbon target will require 1 GW of solar capacity to be installed in the city by 2030 and 2 gigawatts by 2050 – hard targets to reach.
[Continue reading…]Coal-Fired Electricity Generation In Australia : Toxic And Terminal
A new report says coal power regulations have failed Australians, and some of those that are in place are far less restrictive than in the US, EU – and even China.
[Continue reading…]How To Use a Fronius Smart Meter To Solar Power Your Hot Water
Over the past week or so I’ve been politely prodded by a plethora of people pushing me to provide information pertaining to solar hot water diverters. A ‘hot water diverter’ is a box of power electronics that that sucks up your homes’ surplus solar electricity and diverts it to an electric hot water system instead […]
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