Solar Quotes Blog

Is The Most Efficient Hot Water System A Solar PV Powered Heat Pump?

If you are looking for the most efficient solar hot water system then solar PV panels powering a heat pump are hard to beat. While both the panels and heat pump will need to be proficient performers, it is possible for the combination to beat solar thermal hot water which is widely considered the most efficient […]

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More Steps Towards 100% Renewables In Yackandandah

Yackandandah solar panels

Excitement is building in the small town of Yackandandah in northeast Victoria as it moves towards a fossil fuel-free energy future.

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Kerfuffle Over Potential Liddell Power Station Sale And Life-Support

Liddell Power Station - Coal Fired Clunker

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s attempts to keep an old coal fired power station in New South Wales operating past its use-by date has caused quite a stir.

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Australian Solar System Interest Index – September 2017

Australian Solar System Interest Index - September 2017

August saw a significant increase in the proportion of Australians wanting to install battery-ready PV systems according to the latest SolarQuotes Australian Solar System Interest Index (auSSII) report.

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U.S. Utility Energy Storage Snapshot Report

Energy Storage - USA

Energy storage in the USA is a small but growing market according to SEPA’s 2017 Utility Energy Storage Market Snapshot – and many utilities have residential customers in their sights.

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Agriculture And Electricity Generation – Solar + Fungus Farms

Kikurage and solar electricity production - Japan

A new solar PV project in Japan is combining electricity generation and agriculture, making the most of what was abandoned farmland.

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Comparing Solar Hot Water Diverters Available In Australia

Update: since publishing this article commenters have made us aware of 3 other hot water diverters on the Australian market, the ‘Dimplex Free-E’ and, The Fronius OhmPilot and a unit from SolarEdge. We’ll add these to the comparison table as soon as we have enough info. If you know of any others let us know. I […]

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129MW Solar Farm Flagged For Bathurst Region

Brewongle Solar Farm

Photon Energy Australia has proposed construction of a 129 MW solar power plant near Bathurst in New South Wales and provided a progress update on its Suntop Solar Farm project.

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17.5MW Of Solar PV For Massive NT Prawn Farm Project

Solar power for Northern Territory prawn farm.

  Update: This ‘proposed’ project didn’t – in the end – happen :-(.   HT:Phil Maker   A proposed Northern Territory aquaculture project of huge proportions that will utilise solar power has moved a step closer to reality.

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Larger Solar PV Systems Eligible For FiT Incentives In Regional QLD

solar power system size limit increase

Thousands of regional Queensland households and businesses with large solar power systems installed will now be able to receive a solar feed in tariff (FiT).

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