Western Australia’s Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC) is about to get greener and cheaper to run after City of Mandurah councillors voted on Tuesday to install solar panels on the building.
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Will It Be A Clean Or Coal Energy Target?
The Clean Energy Target (CET) appears to be at risk of becoming somewhat of a Coal Energy Target – and the CEC has expressed serious concern.
[Continue reading…]Craig Kelly: AGL Speaks With Forked Tongue On Liddell Power Station
Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly has accused AGL of being deceitful with regard to the Liddell Power Station stoush. Pot, meet kettle?
[Continue reading…]Greener Government Buildings Funding For Victorian Health Services
$26 million in funding will be made available through the Greener Government Buildings program for solar power installations and energy efficiency upgrades at hospitals and regional health services in Victoria.
[Continue reading…]Conserving Hot Water Gives A Better Return Than Any Diverter, Relay, Or Heat Pump Hot Water System
I’ve been writing a lot about hot water lately and how to use the energy of the sun to get it. In fact, I’ve been concentrating on it so much I’ve neglected my other duties and gotten into hot water as a result. Mind you, this may have all been part of my cunning plan, […]
[Continue reading…]Bundaberg Regional Council Saving Big Bucks With Solar Power
The use of solar power has been so successful for Queensland’s Bundaberg Regional Council, solar panels have become virtually mandatory on any new infrastructure and building upgrades where practical.
[Continue reading…]Flinders Uni Unveils World Solar Challenge Entry
Flinders University’s first solar car entry in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, Investigator III, was unveiled yesterday – and the pressure is on to have the vehicle ready for next month’s race.
[Continue reading…]Sustainable House Day On Sunday, September 17
If you’re looking for energy efficiency ideas for your current home or a new build, check out some of Australia’s most environmentally progressive homes on show on Sustainable House Day this Sunday.
[Continue reading…]JinkoSolar Announces Eagle AC Solar Module
JinkoSolar has formally announced its new Eagle AC solar panel, a monocrystalline PERC PV module incorporating Enphase Energy’s IQ6 microinverter.
[Continue reading…]SunnySavers – QLD’s Solar On Public Housing Trial Kicking Off
Starting next week, some of up to 2,300 households in Cairns and Rockhampton will be invited to participate in a trial putting solar panels on public housing.
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