Solar Quotes Blog

Third Phase Of Townsville Solar + Battery Trial

Solar and battery trial in Townsville

A new phase of an Ergon project in Townsville is trialing new home energy management systems (HEMS) and battery storage, solar panels – and a residential demand tariff.

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Interest Free Solar Power System Loans For Tasmanians

Interest-free solar loans Tasmania

A new State Government scheme in Tasmania is enabling households and small businesses to install solar panels and other energy efficiency related products with the assistance of interest free loans.

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Australians Continue To Say Frack Off

Fracking moratoriums in Australia

New polling indicates far more than double the percentage of Australians support moratoriums on the controversial practice of fracking compared to those who oppose them.

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Trashpresso – Turning Trash Into Tiles With Solar Power

Trashpresso runs on solar energy

The world’s first mobile plastics and fabric waste recycling plant, powered by solar panels, was recently demonstrated in Shanghai.

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Bathurst Art Gallery And Library Going Solar

Bathurst Regional Council - Solar Energy

This month will see the installation of solar panels on Bathurst Regional Art Gallery and City Library, the latest in a series of Council solar projects.

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An Apology To USG Solar Panels

use panel and aliens guy

I would like to humbly apologize to USG solar panels, or to give them their full name, Universal Solar Group.

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Electricity Market Controls “Back In The Hands Of South Australians”

Electricity market in South Australia

The South Australian Government has announced it now has powers over the electricity market not seen since the privatisation of ETSA back in 1999.

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Solar Hot Water Subsidies For Victorians

Solar hot water subsidies in Victoria

Households and businesses in Victoria can still take advantage of added incentives for upgrading their gas and electric hot water systems to solar units.

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Pollution Impacting Solar Yields In India

Pollution impacting solar energy yields in India

India has taken great strides in boosting its use of renewables, but its efforts in relation to solar energy are being impacted in some parts of the country by heavy air pollution.

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The ‘SA Energy Crisis’ Is A Myth Peddled By Liars

protesting crowd

At the start of the month I wrote that South Australia’s grid was in disarray.  I warned that more blackouts were inevitable as soon as summer rolled around again or adverse weather struck. With my warning I wanted to give people a sense of perilous urgency on the need to do something about the dilapidated state of the […]

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