Search Results for: south australia

Inverter Manufacturers Hit Back On QLD Emergency Backstop

QLD emergency backstop - solar power

Several major solar inverter manufacturers have expressed their concerns over Queensland’s plans to introduce a very blunt tool to manage some new solar and battery systems remotely. [Read more…]

SA Solar Inverter Dynamic Exports Requirement Delayed

Dynamic/flexible solar exports in South Australia

Introduction of a requirement for solar inverters installed in South Australia after December 1 this year to be technically capable of dynamic export limits has been delayed for seven months. [Read more…]

Spectacular Solar Installations: Road Trip Discoveries

Road trip solar sightings

Having recently completed a road trip through SA, VIC and NSW, I have come to two conclusions…

  • there are still some workers out there installing less than first-rate solar power systems,
  • you never take as many photos as you should.

In any case, I have a few pictures which should make more than a passing interest, even if it’s only the solar nerds who appreciate the finer details. [Read more…]

Solar Owners: Shop Around For The Best Electricity Plan

Comparing electricity plans for solar owners

Here’s an example of what can happen if owners of solar power systems don’t find the best electricity plan for their situation. [Read more…]

Adelaide’s SMRF A Waste Award Winner

Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA) - Adelaide

Adelaide’s Southern Materials Recovery Facility (SMRF) has scooped up the “Outstanding Facility Award” at this year’s national Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards. But it’s not just the handling of waste that makes the overall site outstanding. [Read more…]

I’ve Calculated CO2 Emissions From Solar Farm Land Clearing: It’s Bugger All.

Australian solar farms and land clearing

The best place for solar panels is on your roof. Despite this, over one-third of our solar electricity comes from large-scale solar farms. Their construction can involve land clearing that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  

These emissions aren’t good, but they are trivial next to those from fossil fuel generation. [Read more…]

The Opposition’s Astounding Hypocrisy On Electricity Prices

Australian electricity prices

As news of more major power price hikes reverberated around the nation, the vultures Opposition were ready to feed pounce. That’s politics, but it’s the hypocrisy of it all that really stinks. [Read more…]

VIC Libs Pledge To Pause Electric Vehicle Tax

Victoria's EV tax

Victoria’s unpopular EV tax will take a back seat for a bit if the Liberals/Nationals emerge victorious in next month’s state election. [Read more…]

AGL Weighs In On QLD Emergency Solar Backstop Mechanism

Queensland emergency backstop mechanism

Electricity gentailer AGL has had its say on plans to introduce remote rooftop solar shutdown capabilities in Queensland. [Read more…]

Plug To Be Pulled On Some Rooftop Solar In SA Today?

Solar shutdown - South Australia

A bunch of rooftop solar power systems in South Australia could be knocked offline for a bit today. But don’t panic – the curtailment event (if it occurs) will be a feature, not a bug. [Read more…]

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