Search Results for: nsw

Bowen’s Battery Bonanza Bandwagon Rolls On

Chris Bowen and community batteries

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen is continuing his community battery pledging spree. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: March 2022 Update

Australian solar prices - March 2022

Discover how much Australians were paying for solar power systems during February in the latest SQ Australian Solar Price Report. [Read more…]

Waverley’s Community Net Zero Emissions Target Brought Forward

Waverley Council community net zero emissions

Sydney’s Waverley Council has adopted an ambitious new community greenhouse gas emissions target of achieving net zero 15 years earlier than previously. [Read more…]

Green Shore-To-Ship Power For White Bay Cruise Terminal

White Bay Cruise Terminal - Shore To Ship Power

After years of diesel fumes and engine noise from ships docked at Sydney’s White Bay Cruise Terminal; shore-to-ship power is finally on its way – and it will be renewables based. [Read more…]

Going Nuts With Solar Power And Battery Storage

Solar to power Australian almond production

A major food and agri-business looks set to get a huge solar and battery storage system to help power its Australian almond production. [Read more…]

Port Macquarie Base Hospital Gets Battery Storage

Port Macquarie Base Hospital solar battery system

New South Wales’ Port Macquarie Base Hospital is now boasting a big battery to go with its big rooftop solar power system. [Read more…]

Feed-in Tariffs & Electricity Prices Likely To Rise In 2022. Here’s Why.

Australian electricity prices and feed-in tariffs

Wholesale electricity prices increased across most of Australia this financial year. Retail electricity prices should soon follow. [Read more…]

The Best Solar Inverters In 2022 – According To The Pros


Every year, more solar inverter brands arrive on the Australian market. But which one should you choose for your solar power system?

I think the best people to answer this question are the people that have to install, commission, maintain and support those inverters every day: the solar installers. [Read more…]

Creative Commercial Solar Installations In Australia

Creative commercial solar

Solar panels on a rooftop are always exciting to look at, although I may be a bit biased. But some businesses and other organisations have been getting creative in how they present their renewable energy installations and what they signify to the world. [Read more…]

These Are The Best Solar Panels To Buy In 2022 – According To The Pros

What are the best solar panels to put on an Australian roof in 2022?

I think the best people to answer that question are professional, Australian installers. [Read more…]

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