Search Results for: community battery

Solar Powered Microgrid For South Australian Produce Market

Solar and battery microgrid - SA Produce Market

Solar panel image: marcusspiske

In yet another big renewables announcement for SA, the South Australian Produce Market in Adelaide’s northern suburbs will soon be home to a microgrid featuring solar and battery storage. [Read more…]

Solar + Storage Projects For NSW Riverina Region Seeking Approvals

RES solar and battery storage projects

Submissions relating to two proposed large-scale solar + battery storage facilities in the Edward River Council area in New South Wales are currently being reviewed. [Read more…]

280MW+ Of Big Solar In The Pipeline For Victoria’s Moira Shire

Solar energy in the Shire of Moira - Victoria

Image: plonk66

The Shire of Moira looks set to be home to at least two and possibly three large scale solar farms in the near future. [Read more…]

Queensland Government Appliance Rebate Scheme Announced

Energy efficiency rebate in Queensland
Queensland solar owners (and all Queenslanders) looking to further reduce their electricity bills can take advantage of a new energy efficiency rebate. [Read more…]

140MW Solar Farm Proposed For Mulwala

Mulwala Solar Farm - ESCO Pacific
A 140MW solar farm that may include battery storage has been proposed for a site near the town of Mulwala in New South Wales. [Read more…]

Byron Bay’s Solar Train On Track To Open Saturday

Byron Bay solar powered train

It’s full steam ahead (so to speak) for Byron Bay’s solar powered train, which will start offering train rides to the public from this weekend. [Read more…]

Flinders Island Hybrid Energy Hub Officially Opened

Flinders Island - Wind And Solar Power

Image: Google Maps

The residents of Flinders Island now have a cleaner electricity supply – the island’s $13.38 million Hybrid Energy Hub was officially opened yesterday. [Read more…]

Queensland Election Solar Scorecard

Queensland election solar scorecard

Solar Citizens has released its Solar Scorecard for the Queensland election – and there’s no surprises as to which parties lead and lag on renewables. [Read more…]

Tesla Powerpack Energy Storage Solution For Nantucket

Tesla Powerpack

National Grid has announced a 48 megawatt-hour battery energy storage system will be installed by Tesla on the island of Nantucket. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Normanton Solar Farm Cranking Up

Normanton Solar Farm

Image: Doug Scouller – Normanton Solar Farm

Houses and businesses in the Normanton area of Queensland’s Gulf Savannah region will soon be primarily powered by electricity produced by the Normanton Solar Farm.

[Read more…]

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