Solar Quotes Blog

Tesla’s South Australian 100MW Battery Project Readies For Testing

Tesla Powerpack battery system

All Tesla Powerpack units for the world’s largest lithium-ion battery project in South Australia’s Mid-North have been fully installed says the Weatherill Government.

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2017 A Stellar Year For SMA In Australia

SMA solar inverters in Australia

Solar inverter manufacturer SMA says it inked contracts for the supply of more than 1.2 gigawatts of inverter capacity associated with 20 large scale solar PV projects in Australia this year.

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Plans Lodged For Snowtown North Solar Farm

Snowtown North Solar Farm

Tilt Renewables has reportedly lodged plans for a 45MW solar facility featuring up to 25MW of battery storage near Snowtown with South Australia’s State Planning Commission.

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Mackay Council Solar Project Goes To Tender

More solar panels for Mackay Regional Counci

In a move to reduce its operating costs, Queensland’s Mackay Regional Council intends installing solar panels on twenty more of its buildings.  

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SolarWorld AG Is Dead — Long Live SolarWorld Industries GmbH

solarworld phoenix

Those of you who have German made SolarWorld panels on your roofs or are thinking of getting some, may be wondering about what’s happened with the company since they filed for bankruptcy in May this year. Well, SolarWorld AG, consisting of SolarWorld in Europe and its shares in subsidiaries in Africa and Asia — but […]

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October Was A Bumper Month For Small Scale Solar In Australia

Australian solar panel installation statistics

Green Energy Markets’ latest Renewable Energy Index states small scale rooftop solar power systems installed in October across Australia will deliver $195 million in power bill savings over the next ten years.

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Australia’s Largest Single Site Rooftop Solar Panel Installation Complete

Charles Sturt University solar power system installation

A 1.77-megawatt solar power installation at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, was officially opened on Monday.

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2017 Green Energy Barometer Survey Results

Green energy barometer

A recent international survey found 82% of respondents believe the world should run entirely on green energy and an average of 85% want their countries to phase out coal.

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Shonky Door-To-Door Solar Salespeople Preying On Vulnerable Australians

Unsolicited door-to-door solar power system sales

One of the three “consumer harm hotzones” identified in the Consumer Action Law Centre’s latest report is unfortunately the retail solar power industry.

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The National Energy Guarantee’s NEGative Impact On Jobs And Health

Loss of solar jobs under the National Energy Guarantee

New economic modelling from Ernst and Young (EY) indicates 20,000 potential jobs could be forfeited under the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG), while Doctors for the Environment Australia has warned about potential health implications.

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