Solar Quotes Blog

Claim Australians Back HELE Coal Power Questioned

HELE coal power generation survey

Results from a poll indicating 68% of Australians surveyed back so-called high-efficiency, low emissions (HELE) coal fired power generation have been met with a healthy degree of skepticism.

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Yarranlea Solar Farm Construction To Commence Soon

Yarranlea solar farm

The construction of a 100MW solar farm 45 kilometres west of Toowoomba is expected to start early this year after recent approval from the Australian Electricity Market Operator (AEMO).

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Clock Ticking For Coal Power In Great Britain

Coal power in Great Britain

The UK government announced last week how it intends ending unabated coal fired power generation in Great Britain by 2025 – and the date its proposed rules will come into effect.

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Electric Plane Takes First Flight In Australia

Pipistrel Alpha Electro electric plane - Australia

Last week reportedly saw the first time a certified electric aircraft has flown in Australia – a Pipistrel Alpha Electro owned by Electro.Aero that successfully completed test flights in Perth.

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Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – January 2018

auSSII solar report - January 2018

While the holiday season and lead-up to it had an impact on the number of Australians looking at going solar (as it often does), interest in new solar power installations was still very strong in December.

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Solar Power To Feature In Victorian Turkey Farm Expansion

Solar energy in the Australian poultry industry

Leadoux Turkeys in Bairnsdale is relocating and expanding its free-range production and processing venture, part of which will include installing a solar power system.

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Rooftop Solar And Exclusion Zones: Where Solar Panels Dare Not Go

solar panel exclusion zones

In the past I’ve written about solar panel clamping zones which determine where, on a solar panel’s edge, you can place the clamps that attach the modules to their mounting rails.  What I didn’t do was go into just where on a roof solar panels can and can’t be installed.

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280MW+ Of Big Solar In The Pipeline For Victoria’s Moira Shire

Solar energy in the Shire of Moira - Victoria

The Shire of Moira looks set to be home to at least two and possibly three large scale solar farms in the near future.

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New York State Governor Sets 1,500MW Energy Storage Goal

Energy storage in New York

New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has proposed a USD$200 million investment to assist the state’s private sector in meeting an energy storage target of 1,500MW by 2025.

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China’s Solar Electricity Generation Up 72%

Solar power in China

Solar power systems installed in China cranked 106.9 billion kilowatt-hours of clean electricity last year through to the end of November according to the country’s National Energy Administration.

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