Solar Quotes Blog

Go-Ahead For 250MW Western Downs Solar Farm

Western Downs Solar Farm

Western Downs Regional Council has announced approval of another large-scale solar farm in its region – the second to be approved by Council this week.

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Why It Makes Sense To Fill Your Roof With Solar

roof full of solar

Q. How much solar should you install on your roof? A. As much as you reasonably can.

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22,000 Potential Pumped Hydro Storage Sites Identified Across Australia

pumped hydro storage potential in Australia

Researchers at ANU say 22,000+ potential pumped hydro sites they have identified across Australia represent storage capacity of 67,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh), far more than the nation requires to support a reliable 100% renewable energy based electricity system.

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GFG Alliance Acquires Majority Stake In Australia’s Zen Energy

Zen Energy And GFG Alliance

The new owner of Whyalla’s steelworks has taken a controlling stake in South Australia-based Zen Energy, stating it will create a new Australian “national energy champion”.

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Ditch Wind And Solar Power Subsidies, Forget The CET : Abbott

Tony Abbott takes aim at wind and solar power

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s latest dummy spit on renewables is same-old, same-old – but it has turned up the coal-fired heat on the Turnbull Government.

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University of Southern Queensland To Save Millions With Solar Power

Univerisity of Southern Queensland solar energy installation

Stage two of University of Southern Queensland’s Sustainable Energy Solution project is well under way, with solar panels being installed on rooftops at USQ’s Springfield and Ipswich campuses.

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Solar Powered Street Vending With Musana Carts

Musana carts

Musana Carts aims to improve the lives of street vendors in developing  nations with solar-powered street vending carts.

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WA Hikes Electricity Bills 20% For Poorest, 1% For Billionaires

rich vs poor

  On the first of July electricity prices increased in Western Australia.  This was not a surprise as the state government had announced prices would be increasing over the next three years.  The surprise was they increased them in the worst possible way.

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Ross River Solar Farm Update

Ross River Solar Farm

Initial preparation works are under way at the site of the 148-megawatt Ross River Solar Farm near Townsville in Queensland.

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Consensus At Australian Battery Storage Standards Roundtable

Home battery system standards Australia

Sanity may prevail regarding new home battery system standards in Australia – it seems you won’t need to build a bunker to house energy storage.

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