Solar Quotes Blog

Small Scale Solar Power Benefiting All In New South Wales

NSW Electricity Market - solar savings

The hundreds of thousands of solar power systems installed across New South Wales are benefiting all electricity consumers – collectively to the tune of billions of dollars.

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University Of Queensland A Solar Powerhouse

Solar energy at University of Queensland

UQ’s recently released Sustainability Scorecard 2016 reveals the University generated more than 8.8 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from its 47,000+  solar panels last year.

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Community-Owned Solar Power System Opened In Port Macquarie

Community solar in Port Macquarie

The first 100% community owned solar power system in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, was officially unveiled at the St Agnes Early Education Centre yesterday.

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Battery Storage Switched On At The Art Gallery Of South Australia

Energy storage at the Art Gallery of South Australia

The Art Gallery of South Australia has been fitted with 64kWh of battery storage, a demonstration system to help manage the gallery’s electricity demand.

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Door-To-Door Solar Sales: Know Your Rights

If you own an unshaded roof in Australia, filling your roof with solar is probably the best investment you can make. That sounds like a smarmy sales pitch, but the numbers are there for everyone to see. Yet over 75% of Australian roofs still don’t have panels. So how can the solar industry get the […]

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Monash University Sets Its Sights On 100% Renewable Energy

Monash University - solar power system

Australia’s largest university has announced it will be fully powered by renewable energy by 2030 through a $135 million project called the Net Zero Initiative.

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Community Solar Kickstart For Geelong Sustainability

Geelong Sustainability - Community Solar Power

The Victorian Government is providing a $140,000 grant to support the implementation of Geelong Sustainability’s community solar investment model.

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Tony Abbott : Solar And Wind “Intermittent And Unreliable Power”

Tony Abbott - Global Warming Policy Foundation

In his speech to the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London, Australia’s ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott expressed little love for renewables again – particularly wind and solar power.

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JinkoSolar Breaks Solar Cell Efficiency Record (Again)

JinkoSolar panels

The conversion efficiency for P-type mc-Si PERC cells has exceeded the 22% mark for the first time – and the technology will be integrated into JinkoSolar’s production lines.

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U.S. Solar Power Growth Blows Away Historical Expectations

NRDC Fifth Annual Energy Report

The amount of solar energy capacity in place in the United States by the end of last year was 4,500 percent more than government experts forecast 10 years earlier.

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