Search Results for: council

Grong Grong Community Solar Crowdfunder Cranks Up

Grong Grong Solar Farm

Psst! Ever wanted to own a stake in a solar farm? Here’s your chance – but DYOR (do your own research). [Read more…]

Camden Cutting Emissions & Grass With Electric Commercial Mower

Electric ride-on lawnmower

Sydney’s Camden Council recently acquired a new EV of sorts – an electric ride-on lawnmower. [Read more…]

FIMER Scores Spot In NSW EV Destination Charger Program

FIMER Wallbox EV charger

FIMER’s FLEXA AC Wallbox is among the EV chargers eligible  for New South Wales’ electric vehicle destination charging grants. [Read more…]

Renewables-Powered Public EV Charger For Yarra Glen

Yarra Glen EV charger

EV drivers visiting the Victorian town of Yarra Glen will soon be able to top up their electric vehicles at a new charging station. [Read more…]

Towards Australian Standards For Second-Hand Solar Panels

Second-hand solar panels in Australia

Two Australian organisations are collaborating on developing standards and certification to support a local second-hand solar panel market. [Read more…]

Solar Cash For Community Groups Up For Grabs In Bayside

Solar grants - Bayside

Time is running out for non-profit community groups in Victoria’s City of Bayside to apply for a Council grant that could be put towards installing solar panels. [Read more…]

WA Electric Vehicle Rebate Launched, EV Tax On The Horizon

Western Australia's EV Rebate

Western Australia’s McGowan Government is earmarking close to $60 million to boost uptake of electric cars and other zero emission vehicles, but will lump EV drivers with a tax further along the road. [Read more…]

More On The MSquare Solar Panel Saga

MSquare Energy solar panels

Further detail has emerged on the latest de-listing of MSquare Energy’s Australian-made solar panels from the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Modules List. [Read more…]

Green Light For Narrabri’s Silverleaf Solar Farm

Silverleaf Solar Farm - Narrabri

A solar farm pretty much on the doorstep of the NSW town of Narrabri recently received development approval after quite a lengthy review process. [Read more…]

Hillston Solar Farm Hits 100% Generation Ahead Of Schedule

Hillston Solar Farm

Amp Power Australia’s 120MW Hillston Solar Farm in south- west New South Wales is now cranking at full capacity. [Read more…]

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