Solar Quotes Blog

The National Energy Guarantee’s NEGative Impact On Jobs And Health

Loss of solar jobs under the National Energy Guarantee

New economic modelling from Ernst and Young (EY) indicates 20,000 potential jobs could be forfeited under the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG), while Doctors for the Environment Australia has warned about potential health implications.

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Victoria’s Black Rock Solar Project Under Way

Black Rock solar project

Construction has commenced on the Black Rock Solar Project, the first of six PV projects for Victoria’s Barwon Water.

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Energy Storage Safety A Major Concern For Australians

Battery system safety concerns in Australia

A report published today states Australia has the potential to lead the world in large-scale and home energy storage systems if public uncertainty can be addressed.

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Closing Liddell Power Station Could Save More Than $1.3 Billion

Lidell Power Station

A new report states shuttering the ageing coal-fired Liddell Power Station on schedule and replacing it with a “clean energy package” would not only slash emissions, but save a truckload of cash.

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Source : Drinking Water From Air With Solar Power

Zero Mass Water - Source

Source is a completely off-grid, solar powered and self-contained device that creates drinking water from sunlight and air.

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Construction Starts On Lismore’s Floating Solar Farm

Lismore City Council floating solar farm

A 99kW floating solar array at the East Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant in New South Wales will provide 12% of the facility’s energy requirements.

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Elon Musk Says Tesla’s Electric Truck Will Beat Diesels On Total Cost – He May Be Telling The Truth

Elon Musk’s Latest Announcement Is A Big Trucking Deal

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Australia Shuns Powering Past Coal Alliance

Australia and coal

20 countries have joined the Powering Past Coal Alliance launched earlier today at the COP23 talks in Germany. Australia isn’t one of them. 

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Enphase Misses Targets By Miles But Stays In Business

Enphase misses targets

Enphase is an American company that sells microinverters.  These are small, fun sized versions of the larger string inverters most solar homes use.  They work with individual panels and are either bolted beneath them or, in the case of AC panels, come already attached. 

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Western Australian Solar Installer Donates System To Local Charity

solar power donation

It’s always great to see Australian solar installation companies supporting the communities that help support them.

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