Solar Quotes Blog

Community Energy Storage Trial For Western Australia

Community energy storage

WA’s Western Power will soon give owners of solar panels in the suburb of Meadow Springs a way to “bank” their solar electricity.

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Feed-In Tariffs Hurt The Economics Of Batteries

Installing a home battery system right now will not save you money. Maybe in a year or two it will, but I have a very short time horizon so that’s almost like never to me. As of March 2018 I know of no battery system on the market that will save money for a household that […]

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Australia’s University Of New England’s Solar + Storage Project Approved

University of New England solar + battery project

The University of New England in Armidale, New South Wales has received the green light for construction of a solar farm that will also incorporate battery storage.

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AEMC Wants Your Solar Power And Battery System Information

Solar and battery system register

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) wants to establish a national register of small-scale distributed energy resources –  including battery storage and rooftop solar power systems.

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Castlemaine’s Historic Market Building Going Solar

Market Building - Solar Energy

Old meets new – the Market Building in Castlemaine will have solar panels installed this month, with the blessing of Heritage Victoria.

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NZ PM Jacinda Ardern Pledges $5 Million For Solar Power In Niue

Solar panels in Niue

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern isn’t only popular at home (and here in Australia, particularly with a certain 60 Minutes reporter) – she’s just won a bunch of new fans in Niue with the promise of more solar power.

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A Sting In The Tail Of QLD’s No-Interest Solar And Battery Loans Program

No interest solar and battery loans - Queensland

The upcoming Queensland Government’s “no-interest” solar and battery loans program holds an unpleasant surprise for some installers looking forward to a bit of extra work – and it will limit consumer choice.

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Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – March 2018

auSSII solar report - March 2018

February was another busy month here on SolarQuotes, with thousands of Australians requesting pricing and details on home systems – here’s what they were interested in last month. 

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South Australia’s Electricity Has Always Been Expensive

South Australian electricity prices

In South Australia we pay a lot for electricity. If you feel the need to respond to that statement by saying, “Well, whoop-de-doo!  We pay a lot for electricity in Newcastle,” I will understand.  All Australians pay too much for household electricity.  This is true whether you look at historical prices or at countries you’d […]

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A Better Solar Feed-In Tariff For Tasmania Soon(ish)?

Solar feed in tariffs in Tasmania

The Liberals have been returned to power in Tasmania – and the party has previously stated it wants to boost the uptake of small scale solar energy systems in the state.

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