Solar Quotes Blog

6GW Wind And Solar Power Facility For Western Australia’s Pilbara

Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH)

A consortium has announced a proposed wind and solar power plant of up to 6 gigawatts capacity in Western Australia’s East Pilbara region that will export electricity to Indonesia.

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Huge Floating Solar Farm For Indonesia

Floating solar power in Indonesia

Our neighbours to the north-west are getting into floating solar in a big way. A 200MW solar farm is a major project by any benchmark – put that on water and it’s quite extraordinary.

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Developing Nations Powering Ahead On Solar

Climatescope 2017

34 gigawatts of new solar capacity commenced generation in 2016 in developing nations according to the latest Climatescope survey, enough to power every home in Nigeria or Peru.

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Big Solar And Agriculture Collide In Shepparton

Solar power in Shepparton, Victoria

The interest in large-scale solar development in Victoria’s Shepparton region is such that Greater Shepparton City Council wants to refer applications to the State Government.

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Battle Brews Over Brewongle Solar Farm

Brewongle solar farm

Photon Energy appears to be facing significant community opposition to the development of a large-scale solar farm near Bathurst.

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Solar To Shine In The NT – Roadmap To Renewables Report Released

Northern Territory renewable energy target

Along with the release of NT’s Roadmap To Renewables report yesterday, the Northern Territory’s government has also announced new grants for households to install solar panels.

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Is Electromagnetic Radiation From Rooftop Solar Dangerous?

EMF warning sign

All electrical and electronic device create electromagnetic fields or EMF around them when used and also emit electromagnetic radiation or EMR.  This includes solar panels and solar inverters.  So is it possible for the electromagnetic fields or radiation from your rooftop solar system to harm you or your family? Normally these type of questions have […]

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Australian Carbon Cuts “Effectively For Free” With Renewables

Wind and solar power - Paris agreement

The cost of renewables is falling so rapidly that Australia’s Paris agreement target could be met with new wind and solar PV builds at zero net cost.

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Victorian Electricity Price Rises A Shocker

Electricity price rise in Victoria

Electricity prices are set to rise in Victoria again from January. While there will be new rebates for some, the majority of Victorians will be left digging deeper into their pockets to find more cash to pay for power bills.

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National Energy Guarantee Implementation “Years Away”, If Ever

COAG Energy Council

The Federal Government may have been granted a go-ahead on Friday by the states to further develop the NEG, but it’s by no means a free pass.

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