Solar Quotes Blog

Jinko Solar Unveils 410W “Cheetah” Panel And Gold-Framed Module

Jinko solar panels

JinkoSolar has taken the wraps off its 410W Cheetah solar panel at the SNEC 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Exhibition & Conference in Shanghai.

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New Solar Homes Robbed Of Choice In ACT: Demand Or Time-of-Use Tariffs Only

If you are getting a new house built or having solar power installed in the ACT I have some bad news.  You will lose the ability to freely choose between electricity plans. You will no longer be able to select a standard tariff; which is usually best for solar households.  Instead you will be forced […]

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Lyon, JERA and Fluence Formalise Energy Storage Collaboration

Lyon, Jera, Fluence - Battery storage

Lyon Group, JERA and Fluence have banded together to pursue further utility-scale battery storage development and investment opportunities in the Asia Pacific, including Australia.

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Green Light For Wellington Solar + Storage Facility

Wellington Solar Farm

The town of Wellington in New South Wales will soon have a new neighbour, a 174 megawatt solar farm that will also feature battery storage.

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The Good Solar Guide: 7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners

Order the Good Solar Guide by Finn Peacock

Almost 10 years ago, I sat down for 2 weeks in Brighton Public Library and put everything I knew about residential solar power systems into my battered old laptop. I used the free Wi-Fi to upload that information to a home-brewed website called SolarQuotes. The knowledge was picked up from working for the Energy Transformed […]

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More Solar Components De-Listed By The CEC

Solar panel and inverter delistings

Australia’s Clean Energy Council has announced the de-listing from its Approved Products List of Samil Power solar inverters and TN Solar panels.

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505kW Commercial Solar Project For Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula

Commercial solar - Mornington Peninsula

Mornington Peninsula salad growers Hussey and Co. are set to have a 505kW solar power system installed at their Somerville facility with the assistance of an Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA).

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Hyundai Heavy Getting Back Into Australian Solar Panel Market

Hyundai solar panels

It’s been years since Hyundai solar panels were available in Australia through official channels, but the modules are about to make a reappearance.

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Allegations Of Synergy Poaching Solar Power Sales

Synergy stealing solar power system sales?

Synergy’s push into the home solar power market has led to complaints that the electricity retailer is pinching solar sales from other installation companies; claims the company denies.

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Solar Panel Optimisation: Micro inverters, DC Optimisers, AC Solar Panels & Maxim Explained.

Solar Panel Optimisation is an extra feature you can pay for when buying solar that optimises the power output from each panel independently.

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