Search Results for: south australia

Jinko’s Suntank Battery Bounces Back With An Improved Warranty

jinko warranty doc and battery

This article is all about the Jinko Suntank Battery’s technical specs.  Two months ago, I wrote about its terrible warranty and decided no one in their right mind should buy it. But — to their credit — Jinko replaced the original warranty with a much better one shortly after my post was published. [Read more…]

AER Finally Gets to Work on Flexible Export Rules

AER flexible export limits paper

Regulations to govern Flexible Exports of household solar PV to the grid took a step forward this week when the AER published its “final response” to a consultation conducted late last year. [Read more…]

Sungrow Hybrid Inverter Review: A Deep Dive into the SH5.0RS

sungrow sh5.0rs inverter installed

This post is part of our reviews of hybrid solar inverters – which when paired with a battery – can be good Tesla Powerwall alternatives. Here, I’m taking a closer look at the Sungrow SH5.0RS. [Read more…]

Flexible Exports Rules: A Bright Future With A Shade Of E-Waste

The recently enacted Flexible Exports rules for new solar power systems in South Australia set a global example for grids with lots of rooftop solar. However, there’s an unexpected fallout for rooftop solar owners. And although this is currently only a problem in SA, the rest of Australia needs to learn from our mistakes to prevent a mountain of e-waste as Flexible Exports likely become mandatory nationwide in the coming years.
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AEMO: NEM Not Yet Ready for 100% Renewables

queensland pylons

The AEMO is taking the next steps to ensure Australia’s National Energy Market (NEM) can survive the shift to solar power and wind. [Read more…]

Queenslanders Paying Coal-Fired Prices To Solar Power Their EVs

coal baron stealing solar

Finally, the coal barons have discovered how to extract revenue from free fuel…

Sun-Powered EVs, Coal-Priced Bills: Queensland’s Solar Irony [Read more…]

Transgrid Says More Renewables Is The Only Way To Bring Energy Prices Down

Transgrid CEO Brett Redman says bringing renewables online as quickly as possible is

“the only way to bring energy prices down”.


“With over 80 per cent of coal-fired capacity in NSW expected to retire and 28GW of new renewable and storage capacity coming online in the next 10 years, we must urgently accelerate the investment in all areas of the energy transition.”

[Read more…]

VIC Remote Solar Shutdown Rules: Everything You Need To Know

a hand pressing an emergency stop button

Victoria has launched a consultation (open until August 2, 2023) about their upcoming remote solar shutdown rules. [Read more…]

Brace Yourself: AGL, Origin Energy Bills Set to Explode

paper energy bills

Weeks after the Australian Energy Regulator revealed price hikes for Ausgrid, Essential, Endeavour, Energex and SAPN customers, retailers AGL and Origin have announced their own price rises. [Read more…]

Transgrid Pumps Millions into Training Powerline Construction Workers

powerline constructors at work

Transgrid has cited the transition to renewables as one reason for launching a multi-million-dollar training initiative. [Read more…]

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