Solar Quotes Blog

Solar Powered Boat Pursuing Number One (And Two)

solar powered boat

This Torqeedo powered solar-electric boat will soon go into service, providing free sewage pump-outs for other boats in Westbrook, Connecticut in the USA.

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NSW Government Strikes Back With Battery/ Solar + Storage Support

NSW solar and storage loans

New South Wales’ Berejiklian Government is hoping to win votes with its promise of interest-free loans for solar batteries and solar power + battery systems.

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NSW Labor Pledges Solar Rebate For 500,000 Households

Labor's NSW solar rebate

NSW Labor likely had the Liberals in a flap on the weekend with the announcement of a generous solar rebate should it win the upcoming state election.

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Queensland Solar And Battery Grants/Loans Update

Queensland battery grants and loans

The Queensland Government’s interest-free loans and grants for solar power and battery storage were announced with much fanfare last year. So, where is the initiative at now?

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Is ARENA Wasting Your Money On Useless Consultant Reports?

arena report

I recently wrote about Labor’s Hydrogen Plan announcement where they referred to a report by ACIL Allen Consultants saying Australia’s hydrogen exports could be over $3 billion a year by 2030.  In my previous article I explained why this is extremely unlikely. This article is going to be 2,000 words dedicated to me complaining. Specifically […]

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Australian Gold Mine Solar + Storage Project To Commence In May

Granny Smith Gold Mine

Gold Fields’ Granny Smith gold mine east of Laverton in Western Australia will soon boast what’s claimed to be one of the world’s largest hybrid microgrids.

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Go- Ahead For Carisbrook Solar Farm

Carisbrook Solar Farm

Victoria’s Central Goldfields Shire Council has granted a planning permit for the Carisbrook Solar Farm project, which will incorporate energy storage.

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Registrations Open For NSW Emerging Energy Program

NSW Emerging Energy Program

Registrations can now be lodged for the New South Wales Government’s $55 million Emerging Energy Program, which will support large-scale projects providing dispatchable/on-demand electricity in the state.

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CEC De-Lists SSE Solar Inverters

SSE solar inverters

The Clean Energy Council has announced the de-listing of all Shanghai Surpass Sun Electric Co Ltd’s (SSE) solar inverters from its approved products list, citing potential safety issues.

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A Solar Installer Questioned SolarEdge’s Reliability And SolarEdge Is Furious

At 3:15pm on Christmas Eve, when most Australian families were kicking back with a drink and looking forward to at least 2 days with family, friends and no work worries, Mark Cavanagh1, owner of the highly regarded solar installation company, MC Electrical2 received a five page letter from lawyers acting for $1.6 billion Israeli inverter […]

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