Search Results for: western australia

Horizon Power To Allow More Solar Installations In Regional Western Australia

Solar energy in regional Western Australia

Image: MrRick

Western Australia’s government has announced more households and businesses in regional WA will have the opportunity to install rooftop solar panels. [Read more…]

Advanced (Smart) Meter Rollout In Western Australia

Smart meters - Western Australia

Western Power is to install 238,000 advanced (aka smart) meters as part of its routine meter replacement program, and for all new meter installations. [Read more…]

Western Australia’s City of Vincent Installing Solar Power

City of Vincent - solar power

City of Vincent (Council) in WA is installing solar panels on four of its large buildings – and expects a rapid payback on its investment. [Read more…]

Airbus Zephyr Base Opened In Western Australia

Zephyr Solar High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS)

Image: Airbus

The world’s first operations base for Airbus’s Zephyr Solar High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS) has been officially established at Wyndham Airfield in Western Australia.  [Read more…]

Solar Power For Nickel/Copper Mine In Western Australia

Zenith Energy has announced it has entered into an agreement to build a hybrid solar power facility at Independence Group’s Nova Operation mine in Western Australia. [Read more…]

Community Owned Virtual Power Plant For Western Australia

Dunsborough Community Energy Virtual Power Plant

Western Australia’s Dunsborough Community Energy aims to see 1,000 households join a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) project. [Read more…]

Virtual Power Plant For Western Australia’s Goldfields?

Goldfields solar energy project

The Western Australian Government has announced it will proceed with providing half a million dollars to finance the development of a proposal for a virtual power plant (VPP) trial in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. [Read more…]

Electricity Prices To Rise In Western Australia (Again)

Electricity prices in Western Australia

“Western Australians set for lower increases in household bills,” says the WA Government. It was a curious way of telling people electricity will soon cost them more. [Read more…]

CEC Calls For Statewide Microgrid Rollout For Western Australia

Solar energy and microgrids in Western Australia

Image credit: Western Power

It’s time to get cracking on microgrids in fringe-of-grid locations across Western Australia says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]

New Stand-Alone Power System Trial In Western Australia

Stand alone solar hybrid systems

Image: Western Power

WA’s Energy Minister has given the go-ahead for Western Power to proceed with a demonstration project to install stand-alone power systems at up to 60 sites across the state. [Read more…]

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