Search Results for: tasmania

Tasmania’s Solar Feed-In Tariff Review Still In Limbo

The future of Tasmania’s solar feed in tariff from next year is still as unclear as when the Hodgman Liberal Government was returned to office in March. [Read more…]

Solar Assisted Hybrid Electric Vessel To Soon Cruise Tasmania’s Gordon River

Spirit Of The Wild

Image: RDM Constructions

A 33-metre long vessel with electric motors and solar panels was officially given its formal name this week – and it’s not Solar McSunnyface. [Read more…]

Interest-Free Solar Loans In Tasmania Extended

Interest free solar loans in Tasmanaia

Image: moerschy

Tasmania’s Minister For Energy announced yesterday the Tasmanian Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme (TEELS) program, which offers interest-free finance to households and small businesses, will be extended for another year. [Read more…]

Progress On Tasmania’s First Large Scale Solar Farm Projects

Development applications for two proposed solar farms in Tasmania representing up to 17.5MW capacity combined have completed their public exhibition period. [Read more…]

A Better Solar Feed-In Tariff For Tasmania Soon(ish)?

Solar feed in tariffs in Tasmania

Image: sdblack0

The Liberals have been returned to power in Tasmania – and the party has previously stated it wants to boost the uptake of small scale solar energy systems in the state. [Read more…]

Large-Scale Solar Power On The Horizon In Tasmania?

Renewable energy self-sufficiency in Tasmania
Large-scale solar may find a (limited) place in Tasmania after a pledge by the Hodgman Government to make the state “renewable energy self sufficient” if re-elected in 2018.

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Progress on Tasmania’s “Battery of the Nation” Aspirations

Tasmania - Battery of the nation

Tasmania has its sights set on becoming Australia’s renewable energy battery

From little things, big things grow – Hydro Tasmania has reported on progress of engineering work underway that will contribute towards a goal of making the Apple Isle the “Battery of the Nation”.

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Tasmania Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme Gets $10 Million Boost

Installing solar power in Tasmania

Solar Energy Products Popular In TEELS | Image: Mauro Gregori, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Funding for interest-free loans through the TEELS scheme has been doubled after significant interest from Tasmanians wanting to purchase solar power systems.

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Interest Free Solar Power System Loans For Tasmanians

Interest-free solar loans Tasmania

A good time to go solar in Tasmania – Image: Tiia Monto , CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

A new State Government scheme in Tasmania is enabling households and small businesses to install solar panels and other energy efficiency related products with the assistance of interest free loans.

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Electricity Prices Update: Who Saves And Who Gets Slugged

Electricity offer determinations

Final decisions were published yesterday for regulated electricity offers in several Australian states. Find out what this means and how it might affect you. [Read more…]

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