Search Results for: liddell

AGL Demerger “Green Lipstick On A Pig”

AGL Demerger

Greenpeace Australia Pacific is again turning up the pressure on AGL after the company confirmed its intention to demerge. [Read more…]

Paltry Particle Pollution Penalty For Coal Fired Clunker

Liddell power station penalty

Far from making polluters really pay, the NSW EPA signals it pays to pollute – the sooner we see Liddell Power Station’s exit, the better. [Read more…]

AGL And Greenpeace Go Into Battle

AGL vs. Greenpeace - climate campaign

AGL and Greenpeace Australia Pacific are readying to rumble over the latter’s latest climate change related campaign. [Read more…]

NSW Inquiry Tackles Coal Ash Issue

Coal ash in New South Wales

Image: Bayswater Power Station Coal Ash Dam | Source: Hunter Community Environment Centre

A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry has delivered a report recognising coal ash is a toxic waste product that needs better regulation and utilisation. [Read more…]

UN Chief: Cancel All Coal Power Projects – Globally

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on coal power

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has again called for an end to what he called the world’s deadly addiction to coal. [Read more…]

Renewables Help Achieve Lowest Wholesale Electricity Prices In Years

Renewables and wholesale electricity prices

Wholesale electricity prices in the National Electricity Market last year were at their lowest since 2015 says the Australian Energy Regulator. [Read more…]

2020 In Review: Fossil Fuel Industry Running On Fumes

2020 in review - fossil fuels and renewable energy

The year 2020 was wonderful except for one little thing, and it’s hard to get littler than a virus.  Thank god Australia got off lightly compared to most.  [Read more…]

AEMC: Electricity Prices To Continue To Fall

Electricity prices in Australia

In what’s been a rather dark year, it’s always nice to have a bit of good news. Electricity costs look set to continue to fall for many Australian households over the next couple of years, but their mileage will vary. [Read more…]

Out Of The Ashes II – The Coal Ash Threat In NSW

Coal ash pollution in New South Wales

Image: Out Of The Ashes II – Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC)

A report released by Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC) yesterday estimates 100 tonnes of harmful heavy metals leach into NSW waterways every year from coal ash waste in four regions. [Read more…]

ARENA’s New Funding: Reactions

ARENA funding

The Morrison Government yesterday announced new long term funding for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency – and an expanded focus that includes dabbling in fossil fuels. [Read more…]

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