Search Results for: canberra

Canberra reshuffle: Mr Coal gets the job but is it all bad news?

josh frydenberg

Josh Frydenberg is in charge of energy. Should we be worried?

Like experienced card sharps waiting for the deal, all eyes were on the Canberra environment portfolio reshuffles last week. This following the near-disastrous election result for the Coalition where hopes were high that Malcolm 3.0 may have “got the message” on renewable policy. [Read more…]

Electricity Prices Update: Who Saves And Who Gets Slugged

Electricity offer determinations

Final decisions were published yesterday for regulated electricity offers in several Australian states. Find out what this means and how it might affect you. [Read more…]

Should You Have A Home Battery Safety Plan?

Home battery safety plan

Many local councils actively promote the importance of having a bushfire survival plan to residents. Given the potential risks associated with home batteries, should homeowners also have a dedicated emergency response plan for their home battery systems? [Read more…]

Solcast Update: Check Your Solar Panels’ Performance For Free


Wondering if your solar panels’ are still operating at their optimum efficiency? A free online tool from Solcast precisely calculates how much energy your panels should have generated yesterday, enabling you to swiftly identify any performance issues. Here’s how to use it.
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Is “Not-Made-In-China” A Safer Bet For Your Solar Battery?

Non-Chinese batteries

Is ‘Made in China’ a deal-breaker for you when it comes to solar batteries? [Read more…]

How Long Do Solar Batteries Last?

How long do solar batteries last?

The short answer: Expect a home battery in a temperate climate with typical use to last 15 – 17 years. Solar batteries exposed to higher temperatures, and worked hard every day, could have an effective life of 12 – 14 years. [Read more…]

Battery Degradation: How Do You Work Out If Your Battery Is Up To Snuff?

In this first of a two-part series, we’re going to shed light on some of the lurks you need to know about owning a battery hybrid solar power system. Specifically understanding, measuring and managing the degradation.
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Apartment Solar In ACT: $50,000 Rebate Announced

apartments in Canberra

Solar PV on apartment buildings is a persistent conundrum because the roof ownership is shared. [Read more…]

Damn It’s Cold: Inferior Housing Leaves Australians Freezing

They might look nice, but French doors are a leaky liability. Draft-proofing has been a winner for me (note the lack of a dark blue line around the doorframe in the right-hand ‘after’ pic).

The winter solstice is upon us, bringing dismal weather to Adelaide and much of Australia. And in other shocking news, water is wet. [Read more…]

Some Solutions To Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

piles of old solar panels

Are you scratching your head over what to do with old solar panels?  After dissecting solar panel recycling’s tricky challenges yesterday, today I’m plunging headfirst into solutions. [Read more…]

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