Solar Quotes Blog

Greenpeace Pushes For 500,000 New Solar + Battery Installations In NZ

Solarise New Zealand - Greenpeace

Greenpeace has a plan that would put solar and storage on half a million New Zealand homes over the next decade – supported by diverting cash spent on subsidies for the oil and gas industry.

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Australian Energy Storage Market Analysis 2018

Australian Energy Storage Market Analysis 2018

Up to 35,000 Australians could be working in the nation’s energy storage industry by 2020 and up to 450,000 small scale storage systems installed across the country states a new report from the Smart Energy Council.

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Victorian Solar Rebate Application Process Opens – How To Apply

Victoria solar rebate application

The wait is over – the Victorian Government announced on Friday households in the state can now apply for the VIC Solar Homes rebate for solar power systems.

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Deadlines For Electricity Meter Changeovers Under AEMC Draft Rule

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is calling for feedback on a draft rule that it says will give customers in the National Electricity Market (NEM) greater control over electricity meter changes and see deadlines implemented for meter changeovers.

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Clive’s Queensland Coal Power Plant Plan Snubbed

Clive Palmer - Coal power

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says the state does not need Clive Palmer’s proposed 700 MW coal fired power station – and Mr. Palmer is not happy.

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Australian Mosquito Zapper Recieves James Dyson Award Recognition

Mosquito zapper

A hand cranked, wind and solar powered mosquito zapper designed in Australia is a national runner-up in the 2018 James Dyson Award.

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SA Battery Rebate Buzz – ABC Radio Adelaide Discussion

SA battery rebate discussion

SolarQuotes founder and author of the Good Solar Guide Finn Peacock joined Sonya Feldhoff on ABC Radio Adelaide’s Afternoons program yesterday to discuss the South Australian Government’s battery subsidy.

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Victorian Solar Owners’ Right To Sunlight Protected

Solar panels and the right to sunlight

Solar power systems will be protected from overshadowing by new neighbouring developments under planning provisions in Victoria that will take effect from late this month.

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Victoria’s Renewable Energy Bonanza Continues

Wind and solar farms - Victoria

Victoria’s Andrews Labor Government has received accolades for its latest renewable energy efforts as the state continues to shrug off its brown coal focused past.

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Clive Palmer’s Coal Power Play

Clive Palmer - coal fired power station

In a series of 12 tweets, Waratah Coal Chairman Clive Palmer announced his intention to build a major coal-fired power station in Queensland’s Galilee Basin.

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