Search Results for: coal ash

Australian Directors Consider Renewables A Top Infrastructure Priority

Australian company directors - renewable energy

The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) bi-annual Director Sentiment Index shows directors are concerned about energy prices and policy, but are bullish on renewables. [Read more…]

American Electric Power’s Solar And Wind Energy Splurge

American Electric Power and solar energy

It may not be squeaky clean and green, but American Electric Power (AEP) has and will continue to make solid inroads into cutting carbon emissions, with some help from wind and solar power. [Read more…]

Solar Blockchain: A Revolutionary New Method Of Charging Fees

solar blockchain

Is solar blockchain going to revolutionise the way we buy energy? Or is it a load of overhyped bollocks?

Blockchain is a revolutionary new technology with the revolutionary ability to revolutionize our lives.

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A Fair Solar Feed-In Tariff For Australia Is Around 22 Cents


Solar Feed-In Tariffs Should Be Higher Than They Are — But Not As High As Some Believe

In my not at all humble opinion, Australian solar feed-in tariffs are too damn low!  People aren’t receiving a fair deal for the clean solar energy they export to the grid.  This is bad for our nation and the world because with a fairer price we would see more rooftop solar installed which would reduce the damage to our health and our environment from burning fossil fuels.

But before I am voted leader of the revolution for higher feed-in tariffs and march my armies on Canberra — or maybe somewhere that’s actually nice to go — I should point out that, unlike some people, I don’t think solar feed-in tariffs should equal the retail cost of electricity.  While feed-in tariffs  should be higher than they are now, a “fair” price is likely to still be less than what most of us are are normally charged for grid electricity.

As a result, this article will probably end up a successful attempt at making the maximum number of people possible disagree with me. [Read more…]

Longi Solar Arrive In Australia. Tier 1 Panels With Impressive Performance Warranty

longi solar panels

Quite Possibly The Largest Monosilicon Solar Panel Producer In The World…

Longi Solar is a Chinese company that has accumulated solar panel production capacity at a prodigious pace.

Also, they’ve grown really fast. [Read more…]

Butler : National Energy Guarantee Will Nobble Rooftop Solar

National Energy Guarantee and solar power

Will the NEG impact on Australia’s “solar rebate”?

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Mark Butler, says implementation of the Turnbull Government’s NEG will nobble small-scale solar power and large-scale renewables.

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Small Scale Solar Power Benefiting All In New South Wales

NSW Electricity Market - solar savings

The hundreds of thousands of solar power systems installed across New South Wales are benefiting all electricity consumers – collectively to the tune of billions of dollars.

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Ditch Wind And Solar Power Subsidies, Forget The CET : Abbott

Tony Abbott takes aim at wind and solar power

Not a fan of wind and solar power, but appears to like wave energy | via Facebook.

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s latest dummy spit on renewables is same-old, same-old – but it has turned up the coal-fired heat on the Turnbull Government.

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Solar Powered Street Vending With Musana Carts

Musana carts

Musana Carts aims to improve the lives of street vendors in developing  nations with solar-powered street vending carts.

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WA’s Synergy Feeling Solar Power’s Pinch

Solar energy and Synergy

Image: seagul

While Synergy’s recently released 2017 Annual Report indicates solar power may be eating some of its lunch, the company is also making progress in including more PV in its diet.

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