Solar Quotes Blog

Anger And Resolve At Victorian Solar Rally

Victorian Solar Rally

A message that the Andrews Labor Government’s rebooted Solar Homes PV rebate is an utter mess was delivered loud and clear yesterday in Melbourne.

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South Australian Home Battery Scheme Statistics

SA Home Battery Scheme

South Australia’s Home Battery Scheme subsidy has been active for around 10 months, so how’s it faring?

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Victorian Government Releases Final Large-Scale Solar Guideline

Solar energy guidelines - Victoria

New planning guidelines for large-scale solar farms in Victoria were released by the Andrews Labor Government yesterday, but they may be still some way off from having teeth.

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Shortlist For Queensland’s Renewables 400 Reverse Auction Announced

CleanCo - renewable energy auction

It’s been around two years in the making so far, but the Queensland Government’s Renewables 400 reverse auction is now another step closer.

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Suntech Joins Australian Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Initiative

Suntech solar panel validation

Solar panel manufacturer Suntech has announced its participation in the Clean Energy Regulator’s Solar Panel Validation (SPV) program.

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Good News! Tesla Drops Price Of Powerwall 2 By $650 — Less Than One-Quarter Previous Price Hike

Tesla Powerwall 2 price cut

This morning I woke up, checked the horse was still alive, checked the children were still alive,1 and then checked my email.  To my surprise there was one from Finn telling me the price of the Tesla Powerwall 2 had dropped.

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Development Application Approved For Pallamana Solar Farm

Pallamana Solar Farm

It’s been reported the development application for a proposed large-scale solar + storage facility near Murray Bridge in South Australia has been given the thumbs-up.

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Absolute Solar Power Basics – The Difference Between Power And Energy

Solar : energy vs. power

When it comes to solar power, the absolute fundamental thing you need to know is the difference between power (kW) and energy (kWh) says SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock in his latest video.

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Security Jitters: Can They Hack My Solar Power System?

Solar power system security and hackers

Last week’s post about solar inverter security sparked a lot of interest and a few good questions I’d like to answer; starting with one from TJ that reminded me people are justifiably and genuinely worried.

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SA Energy Minister — Dan Pellekaan — Says $9,300 For A Tesla Powerwall 2 Is “Very Expensive”

Dan Van Holst Pellekaan - Home Battery Forum

Last month my boss, Finn, received a letter inviting him to a “Home Battery Forum” hosted by South Australia’s Minister for Energy and Mining, Daniel Cornelius van Holst Pellekaan, at the Marion RSL.  As Finn couldn’t make it and I was curious what the Dutchest of all Australian Energy Ministers had to say, I attended.

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