Solar Quotes Blog

Another Sewage Treatment Facility Turns To Solar Energy

Solar power Kenilworth

Queensland’s Unitywater has installed solar panels at its Kenilworth sewage treatment plant and added another interesting green feature.

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New Coal Ad Campaign Coming Soon To A Screen Near You

Australian coal ad campaign

Ready to get proud about the future of Australian coal power? An upcoming ad campaign from Coal21 reportedly has this goal in mind and to make coal great again.

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CEC De-Lists China Sunergy CSUN Solar Panels

China Sunergy CSUN solar panels

The Clean Energy Council has announced all China Sunergy (Nanjing) Co Ltd (CSUN) solar panels are no longer approved for installation under Australia’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

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Solar Energy Pushes Muja Power Station Coal Units Into Retirement

Muja Power Station

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has announced another two coal-fired electricity generation units at Synergy’s Muja Power Station will be retired from October 2022.

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SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 24 – A Chilly Reception

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 24

Discover why Finn won’t turn on heating in SolarQuotes’ office. The pair also chat about SwitchDin’s little box of tricks, Tesla Megapack, Enphase and more.

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Solar Diversion In Practice: A Reader’s Experience With The Zappi EV Charger

Zappi EV charger review

Readers will recall our previous discussions of solar diversion here and here, and my complaint that it’s too hard to do off-the-shelf. One of the handful of fully off-the-shelf products we were alerted to is the Zappi charger, and last week I had the chance to discuss the product with a user in Queensland, Chris.

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Indigo Council Declares Climate Emergency, Aims For 100% Renewables

Indigo Shire Council

Victoria’s Indigo Shire Council voted to declare a climate emergency last week and join dozens of councils looking to slash emissions and energy costs with a renewables PPA.

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Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – August 2019

auSSII solar report - August 2019

The latest auSSII report provides a statistics snapshot of what Australian solar buyers were wanting in a solar power system during July 2019.

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Incompetent Andrews Government Refuses To Admit Mistake. Would Rather Hurt Victorians.

Well, that’s it.  They have made their decision.  The Andrews Government in Victoria had a clear moral choice.  They could either…

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Moody’s Economic Report On Climate Change: $100 Trillion In Economic Damage By 2100

Moody's Economic Report On Climate Change

Attention, fellow capitalists!  Our god, the Moody’s rating agency, has put out a report on the economic effects of climate change and — in return for a small fee — I will tell you all about it.  Just put $50 in an envelope and mail it to me and then keep reading.  I trust you.

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