Search Results for: coal ash

Bifacial Solar Panels May — Straight Up — Dominate Australian Solar Farms


Are vertical solar panels the best orientation for new Australian solar farms?

Last week I wrote about double glass bifacial panels that are able to use light coming from the front and behind, while on Christmas Eve I mentioned large scale solar farms are taking off in Australia.  Because it’s the season for togetherness, I thought maybe we could put these two things together and make a bifacial solar farm.

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Northern Power Station’s Legacy Lingers

Northern Power Station demolition

Image: Flinders Power

The South Australian city of Port Augusta was reportedly again shrouded in haze yesterday by dust emanating from the Northern Power Station site. [Read more…]

Merry Christmas And A Happy Old Year

Well, another year is almost gone and so to everyone I say, Merry Christmas and a Happy Old Year! [Read more…]

AGL’s Plans For Liddell Power Station Unveiled

Liddell Power Station

On Saturday, AGL announced it still intends closing the Liddell Power Station in New South Wales, revealing its plans to replace it with gas peaker plants, renewable energy, battery storage and demand response. [Read more…]

Renewables In Mining : Resistance Is Futile

Solar power in Australia's mining industry

Image: Deloitte

Using renewables as a major component of an effective energy management program, miners can slash their energy costs by up to 25% in existing operations and 50% in new mines says a Deloitte report released yesterday. [Read more…]

Huge Floating Solar Farm For Indonesia

Floating solar power in Indonesia

Image: MrRick

Our neighbours to the north-west are getting into floating solar in a big way. A 200MW solar farm is a major project by any benchmark – put that on water and it’s quite extraordinary. [Read more…]

Closing Liddell Power Station Could Save More Than $1.3 Billion

Lidell Power Station

A new report states shuttering the ageing coal-fired Liddell Power Station on schedule and replacing it with a “clean energy package” would not only slash emissions, but save a truckload of cash. [Read more…]

Why Solar Feed-In Tariffs Are Likely To Fall Within 3 Years

Crystal ball

Ronald’s crystal ball says: “The future may bring lower feed in tariffs if wholesale electricity prices tumble.”

Increasing renewables will reduce wholesale electricity prices. Unfortunately that means feed in tariffs will probably fall too.

Solar feed-in tariffs – the payment households receive for surplus solar electricity they send into the grid – are likely to fall within the next three years along with wholesale electricity prices.

The bad news: a fall in both feed-in tariffs and grid electricity prices will reduce the returns from rooftop solar. [Read more…]

Queensland Labor Pledges Solar Funding

Powering Queensland's Future

Advancing solar energy in Queensland will remain an important focus under a re-elected Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

Delhi Choking – Air Pollution Emergency Continues

Air pollution in Delhi

Image: alvpics

Air pollution in India’s capital is at such a dire level that schools have been closed, trains are running late, poor visibility is causing car crashes and life appears to be quite miserable in general. [Read more…]

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