Solar Quotes Blog

ACCC Again Calls For Solar Subsidy Axing

Solar subsidy - ACCC

In a report released on Friday, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has repeated its earlier recommendation that Australia’s major solar subsidy should be prematurely ended.

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BrownPower: Finally Some Innovative Thinking From The Coal Industry

brownpower logo

During the recent kerfuffle about the Approved Solar Retailer scheme, I had an epiphany. It dawned on me that the ‘new energy’ media landscape in Australia has become a victim of the ‘filter bubble’ culture – and is, in 2019, horribly lopsided. To be specific, scrolling through the news feeds there is very little coverage […]

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City Of Sydney (Council) To Go 100% Renewable (Electricity)

City of Sydney - solar power

In a decision endorsed by Council this week, the City of Sydney has committed to using 100 per cent renewable energy sources to meet its electricity needs.

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Bad For Consumers & Bad For Business: CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme Now Mandatory In Victoria

Last week the Clean Energy Council announced their formerly voluntary Approved Solar Retailer Scheme would be — with the smallest of fig leafs — made mandatory for all companies installing residential rooftop solar power systems in Victoria. This means installers are faced with joining the scheme — if they can — or going out of […]

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Thermal Battery Unveiled In South Australia

Thermal battery - South Australia

Adelaide company CCT Energy Storage yesterday took the wraps off its thermal battery, a device it says has unique capabilities.

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SA Voters Back 100% Renewable Energy By 2030

Renewable energy poll - The Australia Institute

New polling indicates 69% of South Australian voters support a transition to 100% renewables-based electricity in the state by 2030. Even One Nation supporters seem pretty keen on the idea.

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Pumped Hydro Storage: An Underwriting New Generation Standout

Pumped hydro energy storage

Pumped hydro storage projects made up half of the projects shortlisted under the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program.

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More Large-Scale Solar For Far North Queensland – Atherton Solar Farm

Atherton Solar Farm

An application for a solar farm near Tolga in Queensland is currently in its public notification phase.

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Fact Checking An SA Government Press Release Spruiking Their Battery Subsidy

press release

Last Sunday the South Australian State Government issued a press release spruiking its Home Battery Scheme. It is clearly aimed at getting more South Australians to fork over thousands of dollars for a home battery, no doubt triggered by the fact that – at the current run rate – it will take 15 years for […]

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SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 9: The Approved Solar Retailer Edition

SolarQuotes vodcast episode 9

Round 9 of the SolarQuotes Vodcast, where Ronald and I address the worrying development of the CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme (ASR) becoming effectively mandatory in Victoria, plus other recent solar news.

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