Search Results for: victoria

Sungrow Hybrid Inverter Review: A Deep Dive into the SH5.0RS

sungrow sh5.0rs inverter installed

This post is part of our reviews of hybrid solar inverters – which when paired with a battery – can be good Tesla Powerwall alternatives. Here, I’m taking a closer look at the Sungrow SH5.0RS. [Read more…]

Is Home WiFi The Achilles Heel Of South Australia’s Flexible Exports Program?

South Australia – where more than 1-in-3 homes have rooftop solar – is once again leading the charge in solar energy integration with the introduction of Flexible Exports for new solar connections, starting in earnest this month (July 2023).
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Solar Analytics Launches Meter-Free Consumption Monitoring

solar analytics screen and consumption meter

Now you can have solar analytics without buying a consumption meter.

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) isn’t something we’ve covered here yet, but it’s now the basis for a new product being launched by Solar Analytics: Integrated+, which the company describes as “consumption data without the meter”. [Read more…]

Damn It’s Cold: Inferior Housing Leaves Australians Freezing

They might look nice, but French doors are a leaky liability. Draft-proofing has been a winner for me (note the lack of a dark blue line around the doorframe in the right-hand ‘after’ pic).

The winter solstice is upon us, bringing dismal weather to Adelaide and much of Australia. And in other shocking news, water is wet. [Read more…]

Transgrid Says More Renewables Is The Only Way To Bring Energy Prices Down

Transgrid CEO Brett Redman says bringing renewables online as quickly as possible is

“the only way to bring energy prices down”.


“With over 80 per cent of coal-fired capacity in NSW expected to retire and 28GW of new renewable and storage capacity coming online in the next 10 years, we must urgently accelerate the investment in all areas of the energy transition.”

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VIC Remote Solar Shutdown Rules: Everything You Need To Know

a hand pressing an emergency stop button

Victoria has launched a consultation (open until August 2, 2023) about their upcoming remote solar shutdown rules. [Read more…]

More Customers Take the Hit: EnergyAustralia’s Prices to Rise

calculator, credit card and electricity bills

EnergyAustralia has announced its 2023 Default Market Offer (DMO), Victorian Default Offer (VDO) and Variable Market contract price increases. [Read more…]

Brace Yourself: AGL, Origin Energy Bills Set to Explode

paper energy bills

Weeks after the Australian Energy Regulator revealed price hikes for Ausgrid, Essential, Endeavour, Energex and SAPN customers, retailers AGL and Origin have announced their own price rises. [Read more…]

Some Solutions To Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

piles of old solar panels

Are you scratching your head over what to do with old solar panels?  After dissecting solar panel recycling’s tricky challenges yesterday, today I’m plunging headfirst into solutions. [Read more…]

The Problem With Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

Cleaning up the solar panel recycling mess

Australia’s solar panel recycling problem is huge. With no clear rules from government bodies, we’re left with a big mess and many questions. This two-part series will dig into this issue to clarify the confusion and find some answers. [Read more…]

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