Solar Quotes Blog

New Solar Panel Reliability Scorecard For 2019 — GCL, JA, And Longi Do Well

PVEL solar panel scorecard - June 2019

A new Module Reliability Scorecard was published earlier this month.  It reveals the sadistic practices of a standards organization that subjected solar panels to torturous tests so they could announce which ones came out on top.

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Clean Energy Regulator Wants To Change (Some) Solar Postcode Zones

Solar postcode zone changes - Australia

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator is requesting feedback on its proposed changes to solar postcode zones, which will impact the amount of solar rebate available in some locations.

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Get Ready For Victoria’s Solar Power Rebate .. Err, Subsidy – Round Two

Solar Victoria - rebate

The Victorian Government is warming up its Solar Homes Package engine – and households in Victoria wanting to take advantage of the generous rebate (now a subsidy) should do too.

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Victoria’s Coal Fired Clunkers NEM’s Most Unreliable

Victoria coal power unreliable

Coal power in Victoria accounts for approximately 13% of the National Electricity Market’s gas and coal capacity, but 32% of its gas and coal breakdowns says The Australia Institute (TAI).

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SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 19 – It’s Payback Time

SolarQuotes vodcast episode 19

Finn and Ronald discuss simple payback times for solar power in Australia in 2019, the latest goss on Tesla Solar Roof, Canadian Solar’s warranty boost and more.

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The Standards Gap Holding Back Solar Homes Becoming Smart Homes

inverter wirelessly communicating with smart plugs

This week’s post was inspired by a question asked by Malcolm via e-mail: “Do you know of any ‘Smart” home systems/software that can be used with a Fronius Inverter/Smart Meter to direct surplus solar power to home appliances and/or heaters via smart wifi plugs?” It’s a good question, and one that doesn’t yet have very […]

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Continuing Push For Rooftop DC Isolator Requirement Review

Rooftop DC isolator

There is a growing call for an end to the very unpopular rooftop isolator requirement for solar power system installations in Australia.

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Greater Shepparton City Council Reaping The Benefits Of Solar Energy

Greater Shepparton City Council - solar power

Victoria’s Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased with the performance to date of its most recent solar energy installations.

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Coal, Gas, Nuclear – What A Fracked Up Week In Australia

Coal, gas and nuclear power in Australia

Adani’s coal mine another step closer, fracking to kick off in the NT (WA soon too?) and our energy minister hasn’t shut the door on nuclear power. Thank <insert choice of deity here> it’s Friday.

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SCOOP! — Canadian Solar Product Warranty: Now 12 Years

Canadian solar scoop

Today I spoke with Michael Rush, the head of Sales and Marketing for Canadian Solar in Australia.  Well, I say I spoke to him today, but you’re actually reading this during my tomorrow — so my today is now your yesterday.  I guess time really is a wibbly wobbly thing. He told me some interesting […]

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