Search Results for: victoria

Sungrow Leads As Market For Giant Batteries Soars

Sungrow's power titan battery

The global Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) integration market is becoming dominated by five key players as deployments of grid-scale batteries take off worldwide. [Read more…]

Make Solar Inspections Mandatory In NSW Before Tragedy Unfolds

Unsafe solar power system installation

Loose connection on the active conductor inside an AC isolator, evidence of heat damage.

There’s a big problem in Australia’s solar world. Despite ACT, TAS, and VIC inspecting all new rooftop solar power system installations, NSW, SA, WA and QLD don’t – and that’s playing with fire. [Read more…]

Trees Overshadowing Solar Panels: State And Territory Rules

Overshadowing trees vs solar panels

Save the trees? What about saving the solar panels? Dare I say it, I like trees even more than solar panels, and that’s a hell of a lot. But in a cruel twist of irony, it’s obvious they are not compatible bedfellows. [Read more…]

Solar Industry Unites to Power Geelong Women’s Rehab Facility

Solar powered rehabilitation facility in Geelong

AI Artist’s impression: safety harnesses not illustrated.

In a collaboration marrying renewable energy with social good, several clean energy companies have teamed up to gift a 30kW solar power system to a soon-to-open women’s rehab facility in Geelong [Read more…]

Your ‘Right To Light’: Solar Panel Overshadowing Rules By State

Building overshadowing solar panels

Overshadowing of solar panels by new neighbouring developments is a recurring problem that some SolarQuotes readers have first-hand experience with. This is an issue that’s not going away soon. It’s only getting worse as our cities grow. [Read more…]

Munna Creek Solar Farm Signs Telstra To Take Half Its Output

Munna Creek Solar Farm Telstra PPA

Solar panels powering 5G networks? That’ll get the cookers going. (Image: a random solar farm – not Munna Creek, as it’s not built yet)

Telstra has taken another step in its long-standing commitment to renewable energy with its fifth power purchase agreement (PPA), this time with a solar farm near Gympie in Queensland. [Read more…]

EV Council Slams SA’s Proposed Charging Tariff as Australia’s Worst

Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) submission - SA Power Networks

The Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) is once again opposing a distributed network service provider’s tariff plans on the basis that it discourages high-power EV charging. [Read more…]

Disconnection Points Vs DC Isolators: A Solar Inspector’s Experience

a disconnection point and a rooftop DC isolator

Let’s shed some light on the ongoing debate between disconnection points and rooftop isolators; two critical aspects that have stirred discussions within the solar industry. [Read more…]

AER Finally Gets to Work on Flexible Export Rules

AER flexible export limits paper

Regulations to govern Flexible Exports of household solar PV to the grid took a step forward this week when the AER published its “final response” to a consultation conducted late last year. [Read more…]

Hot Water Heat Pumps: Choose Your Refrigerant & Brand Wisely!

reclaim heat pump

Having observed countless passionate discussions in various online forums on hot water heat pumps, it’s clear to me that people care – a lot – about this seemingly mundane subject.

[Read more…]

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