Search Results for: coal ash

Australian Renewable Energy Investment Up 147 Per Cent

Solar investment in Australia

Image: Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2018

Renewable energy investment in Australia jumped 147% last year to a record USD $8.5 billion (around AUD $11 billion at current exchange rates) – and solar power accounted for more than half that figure. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly Is Wrong: Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment Than Petrol Ones

Craig Kelly on electric cars

Craig Kelly Is Either Illiterate, Incompetent, or Machiavellian.  But I’m pretty sure it’s the middle one.

Toyota Prius Beats Nissan Leaf And Tesla S On CO2 Emissions In Australia

It has become clear to me there is some confusion over whether electric cars offer an environmental benefit in this country.  Craig Kelly, who is an extremely honorable Member of Parliament, has told the nation they result in more greenhouse emissions than conventional petrol cars.

If you are standing up while reading this you may want to sit down due to your shock when I tell you Craig Kelly is actually wrong on this. [Read more…]

STP Knob Turned The Right Way For Small-Scale Solar Power

STP - Small-scale Technology Percentage and solar power

Tony Abbott and Craig Kelly may be gearing up for more bluster after news knob-fiddling that relates to Australia’s solar subsidy has gone the right way. [Read more…]

The Six Biggest Myths About Battery Storage

finn's battery system - energy storage myths

If you are buying a solar battery – go in with your eyes wide open.

I’ve been publishing thoughts on the solar industry since 2009. And since Tesla announced their Powerwall battery to great media hype in May 2015, a lot of those thoughts have concerned batteries.

Unfortunately, a lot of the facts I’ve published about batteries, their economics and their environmental impacts have not gone down well with some parts of the solar industry, generally the parts that have bet their future on selling lots of batteries in the short to medium term. [Read more…]

10,000 March In Sydney To Demand A Clean Energy Future

Time2Choose rally, Sydney, New South Wales

Thousands marched on NSW Parliament and through the streets of Sydney on Saturday to put all politicians on notice that it’s time to choose clean energy over coal. [Read more…]

What Does The Liberal Win Mean For Clean Energy in SA?

marshall and weatherill - renewable energy in SA

Labor’s Jay Weatherill is out. The Liberal’s Steven Marshall is in. What does this mean for the future of renewable energy in South Australia?

The South Australian Liberals have won the election.  The results seemed clear on Saturday night and are looking very definite now on Monday morning.  They have a small but clear majority allowing them to govern in their own right.  Now that the power is theirs, will solar and wind continue to expand in South Australia or will Premier Marshall peel off his face to reveal he is Mecha-Abbott underneath and set about destroying the renewable energy industry in South Australia? [Read more…]

Tony Abbott And Craig Kelly Want Frydenberg To Fiddle With His Small-scale Knob

Tony Abbott And Craig Kelly Want Frydenberg To Adjust The Small-scale Technology Percentage

Tony Abbott recently made a comment about the STCs that reduce the cost of rooftop solar to households and are commonly called the “solar rebate1.  Guess what he wants to do with them?  Do you need a hint?  Tell you what, I’ll make it easy for you and put it in the form of a multiple choice question. [Read more…]

The SA Election: Energy Policies Compared

Election 2018 South Australia - Energy Policies

On Saturday the 17th of March South Australians will head to school, church, the RSL, or where ever their local polling booth happens to be to cast their ballot in the state government election.  I’ve already received the piece of colored  paper I’m supposed to bring with me so I can vote.  It’s very different from the good old days in Queensland when the only paper you needed to make your vote count was brown and in the form of a bag full of cash. [Read more…]

Abbott (Again) Calls For An End To Solar Subsidies

Tony Abbott - solar subsidies

Tony Abbott | Image: via Facebook

Surprise, surprise – Tony Abbott has joined the call for an end to solar subsidies – in fact, all new renewables – after backbench colleague Craig Kelly’s recent ill-informed dummy spit. [Read more…]

January Small-Scale Solar Installs To Save $197 Million Over Ten Years

Enough rooftop solar panels were installed in Australia during January to power 31,752 homes according the latest Green Energy Markets Renewable Energy Index (REI). [Read more…]

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