Solar Quotes Blog

Australia A Typhoid Mary Of Fossil Fuel Emissions

Australia - fossil fuel exports

One of the excuses for not taking real climate action in Australia is the argument that in the scheme of things, Australia is a bit player in emissions. A new report from The Australia Institute (TAI) shows that’s not the case.

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New Bluetooth Vulnerability Should Be A Wake-Up Call To Solar Manufacturers

If you’ve been reading the tech press this week, you’ve probably noticed there’s a lot of noise about a security vulnerability in Bluetooth, known as “KNOB”, and I thought it gives us the chance to discuss Bluetooth security in the solar business.

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Solar Powered Drone Manufacturer Establishes Presence In Brisbane

SB4 Phoenix solar powered drone

A Toulouse, France- based manufacturer of a solar- powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has set up shop in Queensland, looking to get the attention of Australian farmers.

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SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 26 : Zen And The Art Of Solar

SolarQuotes vodcast episode 26

Discover what’s happening with the CEC and Facebook, Victorian solar rebate fiasco update, “blue hydrogen” peril, a beautiful off-grid solar power system and more.

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Investing In Solar Only Vs. Solar + Batteries – Compare The Pair

Comparing solar power and batteries

Solar panels only or solar power + battery – how do the numbers really stack up? I clearly explain all the maths so you can see the big difference for yourself.

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Hopes Dashed For Parliamentary Inquiry Into Solar Homes Stuff-Up

Solar Homes inquiry

Victorian Labor MPs and three crossbenchers have prevented an inquiry into the Solar Homes PV rebate fiasco occurring; giving the Andrews Labor Government breathing space it shouldn’t have.

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Longi Launches Hi-MO X Solar Panels In Australia

Longi Hi-MO X Solar Panels

Solar panel manufacturing giant Longi launched its new Hi-MO X module at an event in Melbourne on Monday night.

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More Australian Councils Make Climate Emergency Declarations

Climate Change emergency declarations

Three more Australian councils have declared climate emergencies in the past week – Lismore, Wollongong and Launceston. Meanwhile, the Australian Government is reportedly playing silly buggers at an important climate summit.

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Jaws Drop: Alan Finkel Talks Hydrogen From Fossil Fuels At Clean Energy Summit

alan finkel presenting

(Video Credit: Kevin Warner via LinkedIn) By now, it won’t surprise readers to know Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel’s enthusiasm for hydrogen continues unabated. At the end of July, he took to the stage at the Clean Energy Summit with the message that without it, the world will have trouble replacing fossil fuels in the […]

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CBA Offers Home Loan Customers Cash Back For Solar Installations

Commonwealth Bank solar cashback

If you’re a Commonwealth Bank home loan customer who has installed a solar power system (or are about to), you may be eligible for $500 from the bank.

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