I feel undeservedly lucky, that in the worst bushfire summer imaginable, fires came no closer than about 5 km from the little patch of bush I inhabit.
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Longi Claims Another Solar Panel Efficiency Record
Solar panel manufacturing goliath Longi has announced what it says is “a new world record” for conversion efficiency in a monocrystalline module. But is it?
[Continue reading…]Bushfire Assistance Available From Solar Victoria
Solar Victoria has offered a helping hand to Solar Homes program rebate applicants, customers and installation businesses doing it tough as a result of bushfires.
[Continue reading…]EnergyAustralia Solar Feed-In Tariff Changes
“Big 3” electricity retailer EnergyAustralia has very recently updated its solar feed-tariff rates – with three states losing out.
[Continue reading…]Solar Energy Continues To Help Clean Up After UK Coal Mining
While deep pit coal mining ended in the UK in 2015, previous activity continues to impact the environment – and solar power has been helping to clean up the mess.
[Continue reading…]Climate Change Concerns Climb In Australia
The level of concern among Australians regarding climate change and its impacts has increased significantly due to the nation’s bushfire crisis.
[Continue reading…]Renewable Electricity Generation In Australia’s Water Utility Industry
How much on-site renewables-based electricity is generated by Australia’s water and wastewater utilities? Researchers at the University of Queensland sought to find out.
[Continue reading…]Bushfire Smoke Impact On Rooftop Solar Energy Output
A solar monitoring company has found output from rooftop solar panel systems in Sydney and Canberra was significantly impacted on recent heavy bushfire smoke haze days.
[Continue reading…]Merredin Solar Farm Nears Completion
Risen Energy Australia says its 132MW Merredin Solar Farm project in Western Australia should be connected to the grid next month.
[Continue reading…]AGL Macquarie Cops $100,000 Coal Ash Penalty
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says AGL Macquarie has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking that will see it coughing up $100,000 after another breach of regulations concerning the management of coal ash.
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