Solar Quotes Blog

In Brief – WA: Industrial Park Microgrid, Smart Meter Rollout Begins

Solar powered microgrid, advanced meter rollout in WA

What’s been called Australia’s first industrial renewable energy microgrid is to be established at the Peel Business Park in Nambeelup, Western Australia. Also in WA, Western Power’s big advanced meter rollout has begun.

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How Big A Deposit Should You Pay Your Solar Installer?

Solar power system installation deposits information

This post is going to be light on words, but the topic is worth covering. It arose from a couple of questions SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock asked me to research: what’s a “normal” start-work deposit to offer a solar PV installer, and is there deposit protection for consumers?

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A Green Light For Super-Cheap Solar And Battery Storage PPA 

Solar and storage PPA Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Board of Commission has given its nod to power purchase agreements offering the utility dirt cheap solar + storage supplied electricity.

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South Australian Energy Minister Talks Up Project EnergyConnect

Project EnergyConnect

SA’s Minister for Energy and Mining Dan van Holst Pellekaan was again spruiking the virtues of a SA-NSW interconnector yesterday.

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Another Huge Renewable Energy Park Proposed For South Australia

Goyder South - wind, solar and battery storage

Further details of a proposed $1 billion wind, solar and battery storage project for South Australia’s Mid-North will be revealed today.

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Solar Power Still The Favourite Energy Choice Of Australians

Solar energy - Australia

Solar power remains the most popular energy source among Australians according to The Australia Institute’s latest Climate Of The Nation report.

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Tesla Lowers Powerwall 2 Price $2,200 In SA Virtual Power Plant Deal

SA Tesla Powerwall 2 battery deal review

On Thursday Tesla announced it will lower the price of its Powerwall 2 battery storage system by $2,200 for South Australian residents.  This will make the Powerwall 2’s minimum installed cost around $7,100.  After adjusting for the SA battery subsidy it’s now only around $1,000 more than it was at the start of 2018.  With […]

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SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 29 – Powerwall Price Shenanigans

SolarQuotes vodcast episode 29

Finn and Ronald discuss the Tesla Powerwall 2 price drop in SA, Victoria’s solar rebate rollout, Chinese panels with a German-ish name and more.

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Bigger Is Better — Installing Over 6 Kilowatts Of Solar Almost Always Pays

3 kW vs 6.5 kW

If you asked me how much solar you should put on your roof I would say, “As much as you can without doing something stupid like borrowing from the mafia or doubling up on solar panels by stacking them on top of each other.”  In other words, install as much as you can without making […]

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Climate Change And Energy In Western Australia – Issues Paper

Climate change and energy - Western Australia

WA’s McGowan Government is calling on Western Australians to have their say on climate change policy, including issues related to energy.

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