Solar Quotes Blog

Renewable Energy And Storage As An Essential Service

Renewable energy - an essential service

Australia’s response to COVID-19 needs to clearly recognise the essential nature of renewable energy and energy storage says the Clean Energy Council.

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Polycrystalline Vs. Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Poly vs. mono solar panels

Some solar sales people play up the supposed superiority of monocrystalline over polycrystalline solar panels. But is this justified for most homeowners going solar? Here’s Finn’s view on the issue.

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Victorian Solar Rebates Go Begging

Solar panel rebate - Victoria

Uptake of solar panel rebates in Victoria continues to slow, making it a good time for those considering solar or crowded out by the previous rush to take another look.

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Sydney’s Sutherland Shire Council’s Carbon Neutrality Motion

Sutherland Shire Council

The issue of carbon neutrality was on the agenda for last night’s Sutherland Shire Council meeting.

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200MW Solar Farm Decision Foiled By Coronavirus

Raywood Solar Farm

So close, yet so far away – well, perhaps not. A decision on approval for a solar farm + battery storage facility in Victoria’s north has been put on the backburner due to COVID-19. —— UPDATE March 25: Loddon Shire Council informs us “the application has been approved under delegation”. It was approved today. ——

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How The Financial Stimulus Can Help Your Solar Business

Coronavirus COVID-19 and solar installer businesses

On March 12th, in response to the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus and bushfires, the Australian Government announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus.  Then, at some point in the last week, they must have spoken to someone in the Treasury who actually knows what’s going on, because they then increased it by an order […]

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8 Reasons Why Right Now Is A Great Time To Go Solar

Reasons for installing a solar power system now

Australians have been a little distracted lately – and who can blame them? But the distraction is leading to some missing out on the advantages of installing solar panels right now.

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CEC Calls For Clean Energy Stimulus Package

Clean energy stimulus - CEC

Australia’s Clean Energy Council is lobbying federal, state and territory governments to make renewables and energy storage a key part COVID-19 response packages.

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A View From The UK: Consumer-Friendly Services Vital To Reach Net-Zero

Net zero carbon emissions in the UK

I’m often wary when I hear someone say “regulation is getting in the way of innovation”, because it’s so often led to disastrous deregulation of things that matter – public safety, building regulation, product safety and the like.

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Victorian Solar Company Facing Charges After Fatal Fall

Solar installation safety

WorkSafe Victoria announced yesterday a solar business in the state has been charged over the death of an employee in 2018.

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