Search Results for: victoria

Victorian Farmers Pissed Off With Government’s Solar Stinginess

The farming industry of the state of Victoria has criticized the local government’s legislation on solar energy for disadvantaging them while other states offer the industry a far better deal.

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How To End The CEC’s Monopoly On Solar Approvals

For many years, the Clean Energy Council (CEC) has been the gatekeeper approving which solar products can connect to the grid in Australia. As an installer, I assure you many of my boots-on-the-roof colleagues are keen to remove that responsibility from the CEC. Strap in while I explain why.
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More Funding For Australia’s Smart Meter Rollout

Smart meters in Australia

A $50 million Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) loan announced yesterday will help support and accelerate smart meter uptake in Australia. [Read more…]

VIC Emergency Backstop Mechanism For Solar Delayed

Victoria's Emergency Backstop Mechanism For Solar

Full implementation of a Victorian initiative allowing for rooftop solar power system throttling and shutdown remotely in a grid emergency has been delayed by three months. [Read more…]

Calculate How Much A “Sun Tax” Might Affect You

Sun Tax Calculator guide

SolarQuotes has launched an easy-to-use calculator that estimates how much two-way electricity pricing (aka a “sun tax”) could impact solar power system owners. [Read more…]

What to Expect from Your Solar Inspector

solar inspector at work

Hi there! I’m Pat Southwell, and I’ve been a Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) in Victoria for nearly three years. If you’re a Victorian reader, you’re likely aware that all solar installations in our state are inspected. [Read more…]

New Home Battery Calculator: See How Much You’ll Save

Battery calculator explainer

A solar battery is a significant investment and one that shouldn’t be made lightly. If you’re an existing solar power system owner and want to determine if such a purchase may be right for you, try SolarQuotes’ new battery calculator. [Read more…]

Solar Provides Haven For VIC Community Housing Clients

Solar for community housing

More than 1,000 properties (and those living in them) have benefited from Victorian state government solar rebates for community housing. [Read more…]

Renting Solar Energy Storage: Bungarribee Community Battery

Bungarribee Community Battery

In New South Wales, Western Sydney’s first community battery trial seems to be delivering on its promise of cheaper electricity costs for participants. [Read more…]

Upgrading Vintage Solar? You May Need To Start Again

Old cottage with old solar power system

Like the rest of Burra, this solar system should be heritage listed.

Are you an early adopter of solar power? Are you wondering how to install a new solar system alongside your existing one? Or if you need to replace it entirely? And what about the solar rebate if you’ve already received it? Plus, how does the Premium Feed-in Tariff (FiT) factor into your decision?
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